1. Caught blue handed

Start from the beginning

I grab my backpack off the floor, checking I've got all my spray paints in there, which I do, so I sling it across the shoulder that isn't bruised, and tip toe out my room and down the hallway.

I've stayed in this place enough nights to have figured out which floorboards creek and which don't make a sound.

I halt at the top of the stairs.

Challenge 2: get down the stairs that don't even stair.

Half the stairs is missing, meaning I've going to have to jump over the cracks, meaning it is impossible not to make noise.

I hear Jimmy and two other voices downstairs talking about me probably.

"What'd ya doing?" A shy voice asks from behind me.

I suck in a breath and swivel around, meeting Sadies blue eyes. She's sweet and all, but she kind of scares the shit outta me. Always carrying that grubby bear around, even after she "performed a surgery to amputate his limbs since he had fallen of her bed".

"Hi, Sadie!" I whisper, a little too sickly sweet.

She just stares at me, without blinking.

I carefully retreat, stepping backwards. "I'll see you later, yeah?" I whisper, smiling.

She nods slowly and when I'm about to turn around and sprint down the stairs and out the front door, she screams.

I jump out of shock, stumbling backwards down the stairs.

With each time I roll, I swear I hear a bone crack.

Finally I hit the floor. Rolling onto my back I state up at the dusty ceiling. I really wanna scream like Sadie did right now.

The sound of footsteps grows louder. Until three bodies are towering above me, blocking all the light.

"Are you okay, sweetie?" A woman says, shock lacing her tone.

A man, I'm guessing her husband, bends down and lifts me up by under my armpits. "Can you walk?"

I nod, "mhm." But that's a fat lie, my body is in agonising pain.

"Was that you screaming up there? Before you fell?" Jimmy asks, not even looking bothered at the scene in front of him.

"Uh, yeah." I tell him, so nothing happens to Sadie or me.

"Well comr in the kitchen." He says, walking towards the back of the house.

As soon as my new potential foster parents turn their backs and the guy let's go of me, I sprint out the door.

Each step I take sends a jolt of pain through my body. I swear I'm almost crying. My feet are still moving themselves on adrenaline, but that doesn't block out any of the pain. 

I finally make it to the train station, taking a seat on the bench, breathing rapidly and heavily. I wince every time I move, biting down on my bottom lip to try deal with it.

I shut my eyes temporarily and take a deep breath.

you're fine you're fine you're fine

I stand up, legs shaking slightly, and study my surroundings. When I make sure no one's about, I jump onto the train track, as soon as my grubby vans hit the tracks and I don't get electrocuted, I thank the man up above.

I walk towards where the tunnel is and place my bag on the floor. Taking out the blue spray paint first, I start my piece of art.


Not long later...

"Hello?" Someone calls out.

I freeze.

Spray paint drips down the brick wall as I stare at it, unmoving.

A woman in a black suit, wearing fucking stilettos walks towards me. She looks like she should be walking on a catwalk not on a train track for christs sake.

She stops in front of me, clutching onto her Louis Vuitton purse. "What are you up to?"

"Uh, nothing." I say.

She swallows and nods her head towards my hand, "yeah, sure."

I look down to where her eyes are set and realise I've still got the spray paint on my hand.

I visibly gulp, "I heard someone on the track and they literally threw this at me then ran off."

She lets out a laugh, "and that?" She asks, pointing to my cheek.

I touch my cheek with my gloved hand and as I reveal it, blue smudges of spray paint are now there when they weren't before.

"Oh, that." I say awkwardly, averting my gaze to the floor.

"Come, sit." She says, turning around and waking back to where she came from.

I chuck the bottle of spray paint back into my bag and throw it over my shoulder.

I follow behind her hesitantly.

She pushes herself up, now on the pavement and not the track. She then puts a hand out, I take it and she helps pull me up.

She walks towards a bench and sits down on it, putting one leg over the other.

I lower onto the spot of the bench beside her. Backpack still on.

I'm kind of fucking shitting myself right now.


First chapter!

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