Chapter 25

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Eddie POV

I get back to my trailer and go straight to my room and plug in my guitar. He hates you and your body, why are you surprised

I start playing the easiest and loudest song I can think of to try and drown out my thoughts.

You'll never be good enough for him. Always second behind her.

I turn up the volume on the he amp and keep playing, this shit is supposed to help

Ugly, stupid, freak, why did you get so attached to him? You know better then that.

I turn the volume up again and try to play faster, as tears start falling down my face

Slut, weirdo, asshole, you don't deserve to live, you always make mistakes like this, you wouldn't go through this if you disappeared

I hear knocking at the door, I stop playing for a minute and hear Steve talking. I ignore him and turn the music up all the way and start playing again

Now he has to clean up all your mess, you're burdening all of them

"Your time is coming Eddie" the same voice I heard in the hospital calls. Vecna "you'll join me and my army"

"NO! FUCK OFF!" I scream at him but he's no longer there, it's just me my thoughts and my guitar again.

Steve POV

I wait anxiously for Dustin or Eddie to come down. After a few minutes Dustin appears "what did he say? Is he ok"

"He's kinda pissed...and he said if you wanna see him again it can be to tell him to his face you don't have feelings for Nancy then he left"

"Of course I don't have feelings for her" maybe I do.. I think a part of me still wants what we could have had, but being honest we were never gonna get that, and I know I love Eddie, I know I want to be with him.

"Tell him that not me" he moves out of the way, I run upstairs, I don't know where he would have gone, probably to get his stuff first, so I drive to my house and run upstairs.

His stuffs already gone along with my sweatshirt on the floor and 'fuck you' written on the pillows. I sigh and sit on the bed

"I should've put space between me and Nancy as soon as he said he thought I liked her. He must feel horrible now, especially after last night, fuck I hope he doesn't think that's all I wanted, it's not, I love him.

I run back out to my car and drive to the trailer part, when I get here I can already hear Eddie's guitar coming from his trailer

I get out and knock on the door "Eddie?" I call out, the music stops for a minute "Eddie it's me I'm really sorry can we please talk?"

I'm met with the music starting again even louder and a few neighbours yelling. I open the door but before I can get to Eddie's room I hear screaming "NO! FUCK OFF!"

I walk over to his room and see him looking around, but still playing guitar. He's crying a bit. I  go to turn off the amp but he kicks my hand away and starts playing "don't touch that shit you'll break it" he puts his guitar down and turns off the amp "what do you want?"  He starts putting it away

"Eddie I'm so sorry, i didn't want to kiss her, she just kissed me and I didn't know what to do but I don't like her I promise"

"Yeah whatever, I don't care, you can make out with whoever you want" he starts going through random stuff, probably so he doesn't have to listen to me

"I don't wanna make out with anyone but you" I take his shoulders and turn him to face me "Eddie I love you, only you. Yeah I planned a future with Nancy because I thought I was gonna be with her forever, but now I don't even want to think about what my life would be like if I was with someone other then you, I want to build a new dream with you, you're my future Munson" I cup his cheeks in my hand "you're everything I've ever wanted"

He sighs and finally meets my eyes "I believe you Steve.. it's just so hard, I mean you've had so many ex's what it more or them decide they want you back, am I just supposed to stay here and watch them win you over?"

"That won't happen.. they're my ex's for a reason. I don't love them, I don't even want to be near someone that tries to take me away from you"

"Almost everyone wants to take you away from me, even if they don't like you. people hate us together Steve, you saw how people looked at us last night, and these assholes always find away of breaking things they don't like. I don't fit into they're norm so soon enough they're gonna hate me even more for taking you away from them"

"You're not taking me away from anything, this isn't some huge thing they're gonna get pissed about, I can date who I want without them having a say in it. And I though you didn't care about what people thought of you, you're different, I though you liked it that way"

"Maybe I don't want to be different! Maybe I want to be like all of them, I could be normal and then maybe I wouldn't be a freak. Every day I walk outside and get stared down and judged by all of them it just gets harder, and every fucking time they say it I believe it's true even more, that if I can't be normal I shouldn't be here at all, that I am just some freak that was spit out on this hell hole to make it worse"

"Eddie..." I hold his hands, do people really say that to him? Tell him he shouldn't be here? I knew they called him a freak but I thought that was the extent of it.. "Eddie nothing they say is true.. they're so stupid. Of course you should be here, you deserve to be happy"

"You're the only one that thinks that, you're life could be so much easier.. you're already getting shit because of me"

"I don't care how much shit I get, I'm not letting you go, I love you" I pull him into my arms and hug him

He leans in and holds into me "I love you too asshole" he mumbles

"Nancy's gonna stay away from me from now on.. so you don't have to worry about that"

He nods "thank you... I'm sorry I overreacted, I know you didn't even kiss her, it's just.. well you know I'm not great at trusting people. And I trust you I'm just still trying to get used to it"

I look down at him and tuck his hair behind his ear "you take as long as you need to trust me, I don't expect anything from you"

He smiles and nods and leans against my chest "can we just stay here for a bit, before doing back to the others?"

"Of course, we can stay as long as you want

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