Chapter 7

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Eddie POV

I sit Steve downtown "I'm not gonna go to a hospital.. I'm not leaving you here" he says stubbornly.

I know there's no convincing him otherwise "fine then I'm gonna try and get the bullet out ok?" He nods

I look through my bag and give him some painkillers, well.. drugs that help with pain, their ricks but then get some tweezers "this is gonna hurt like hell" I warn then gently unbandage his arm and look at it, thankfully it didn't hit bone so he'll be fine.

*after he fixes Steve's arm a bit*

I bandage his arm up and and give him some more pain feel "you ok? It'll still hurt the drugs should just help it a bit.. so tell me when they wear off"

"I'm ok, I promise, thank you" he smiles softly and moves my fringe to the side "we still need to get this cleaned up" he gently brushed over the cut.

"It's ok, it's not even bleeding anymore" I smile. He rolls his eyes and grabs my bag and finds some water and tissues.

He wets the tissues and wipes off the blood. He cleans it up a bit then moves my hair back "you're an idiot Harrington" I smile

"You're adorable Munson" he smiles, i blush a bit and sit next to him and lean against his good arm. "So what happened have their.. you know with Jason?"

I sigh "um.. I guess it's hard to explain- so I'll just show you" I take off my watch and show him my wrist with the tattoo 010

He looks at it then at me "doesn't El have a tattoo like that" I nod "But I thought she was the only one that survived the lap"

"Well she wasn't... I've been hiding and escaping things my whole life" I sigh "but as far as mr Brenner knows I'm dead, but I don't use my powers nearly as much as El, nor are they as strong" I put my watch back on

"Why didn't you tell anyone"

"Look at me Harrington, i'm enough of a freak as it is the last thing I'm gonna do is go around parading that I have supernatural powers"

"Okay so maybe you are a freak, I think if you weren't you would be boring, the only reason people say you're a freak is because you don't conform to own of their groups. I'm glad you don't. If you did you would just be some brainless mouth breather"

I smile a bit "I guess" I look at him "so I guess that makes you a brainless mouth breather" I tease

He chuckles and rolls his eyes "the point is, don't be ashamed of who you are" I nod and smile "so we probably have a bit until they other get back here.. and you know skull rock kinda has a reputation of being a make out spot"

"Well we wouldn't want to ruin its reputation would we" I smile. He nods. And leans over to kiss me, I lean into the kiss and sit on his lap, wrapping my legs around his waist.

I put my hand on his cheek, leaning in close to him, he holds my waist, under my shirt, I giggle a little, he pulls away and looks at him "what's so funny" he smiles

"Your hands are freaking freezing" I smile,

"Oh really?" He smirks and runs his hand up my shirt "is that better?"

I giggle and squirm a bit "you're a horrible person to make out with" I joke

He rolls his eyes "sure, Munson, whatever you say" he moves his hands down from my torso to my thighs "that better?"

I blush and raise an eye brow "it is if you're tryina make my Horny"

He laughs and pulls me closer and kisses me.

We stay like that, happy Horny and making out for awhile until he hear a car so I get off him and sit back next to him.

Robin pulls up in front of us "hurry up dingus we're going to the Wheeler house" she looks at us then Steve's arm "shit what happened"

I get up help Steve up and we get in the car, once again with me on his lap "Jason fucking shot me, I'm good now though Munson gave me a bunch of drugs"

"Don't look so worried, it's not enough to make him high, but if he has any more he'll probably start getting a little weird" i explain

"What did you guys do while you waited?" Eleven asks.

I look at Steve and he nods "we just made out"

"WHAT?!" Robin scream and nearly crashes the car "congrats dingus I knew you could do it"

Steve rolls his eyes "ew ew ew ew! No,why would you tell us that that's so gross" Dustin says like the dramatic bitch he is

"Wait so are you guys dating?" Max asks,

"No, it was just kissing, you kids are too young to know about it now but adults can kiss people without being in relationships" Steve says.

"Eddie's still in school though" Dustin points outstanding

"Yeah but I'm 19 and fucking your babysitter so  shut up" that shut him up well.

"Robin we need to pick up will, I still need to give him his birthday present" Steve says.

"What'd you get him?" Lukas asks.

"Some DnD shit, I think it was the book with all the monsters" he says and me, Dustin Lukas and Mike all look at him with disgust "what? What's wrong with that he likes DnD doesn't he?"

"Yeah but he probably already has that, in fact he wouldn't be a reason dungeon master or even player if he didn't have it" Lukas explains

"Yeah I have 3 different copies myself, getting him that is like the equivalent of getting someone socks" I explain

He sighs "well great what am I supposed to get him now?"

"If one of you go to my trailer I have a bunch of spare things there, give him some of the figurines and paints" he nods

"Okay.. thanks, Robin can we go to Eddie's trailer first"

"Okay but it's like an hour away so everyone get comfy" she says. I do exactly that and curl up on Steve's lap, he smiles and plays with my hair

"Hey Harrington?" He looks down at him "you gonna admit my hairs better then yours?"

"In your dreams  Munson"

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