Chapter 21

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Eddie POV

When me and Steve get to the mall almost everyone's staring at us. Well not everyone but as soon as they notice me they stare and look pissed.

I try not to stand too close to Steve, I don't know if he's ready to come out or not, he looks at me I try to look down as I work and not draw too much attention to myself.

"Hey" Steve nudges me gentle "don't hide from them, you've done nothing, I was told you flip off conformity, don't let them scare you"

He smile "yeah but I can't tell if they're pissed cuz they think I'm a murderer or because I'm ok a date with Steve Harrington"

He links his pinkie finger around mine and smiles "oh? Are you embarrassed to be seen with me?" he teases

I roll my eyes "incredibly embarrassed" I joke. We talk together to the movies and Steve's pays for the ticket

I get out my wallet to pay him back "put that away Munson you're not paying me back" he tells me

"Baby you've already paid for my hospital bill and all my food the past week please let me pay you back" I plead

"No, you should save your money for something more important" he smiles softly.

"Fine.. thank you" I lean in and kiss his cheek and put a $20 note in his pocket "you want some snacks?"

"Yeah" he buys some then we walk into the theatre and find out sits at the back corner.  He gives me my drink and I get comfortable.

Half way through the movie I turn to Steve "Harrington" I whispers "I'll be back in a sec I'm gonna get another drink, you want anything?"

He shakes his head "I'm good, you wanna take some money though?"

"It's ok I got it" I quickly duck past everyone and out of the theatre.  I go over and order another drink but while I'm eating I over hear some girls talking

"Did you see Steve with that Freak? Poor Steve, it's probably like a make a wish thing he was forced to do" I roll my eyes at them and take my drink

"I don't know I heard that Steve finally had a partner, but there's no way it's that freak, he's a murderer and so gay" she laughs.

"Omg maybe The freak made Steve gay" they laugh like it's an insult.

I walk over to them "Omg you know I heard something about Steve's love life  too, turns out all the girls in Hawkins were all ugly bitches with small tits so he has to resort to guys instead" they look at me offended and disgusted "oh sorry, I'll step away I wouldn't wanna rub off any gay on you guys" I tip the drink over their heads and walk away.

"Hey freak!" Someone yells, I turn around and see a bunch of guys coming towards me. "The hell you doing talking to my girlfriend?" He comes right up to my face

"Why are you talking to me?" I look at his friends "aw how sweet you're all supporting each other, although don't you think it's weird all your friends are so worried about your girlfriend?"

He swings to punch me but i duck. Before he can try to hit me again Jason and his friends come over "MUNSON!" He shouts

"Oh yay more of you, didn't you get your ass kicked Jason? You really back for more"

"I don't know what you and Satan had going on but it's not happening again"

"Right right, I'm working with Satan cuz I play a fantasy game, so creative" I grab out my wallet and smack him with it then turn around and start going back to the theatre

"You're gonna fucking pay Munson!" He yells. I turn around and make a little demon face at him then continue walking.

I go back to the theatre and sit back down next to Steve "what took so long? And where's your drink?" He asks, looking a little concerned.

"I just ran into some people.. I over heard some people talking Shit so I accidentally split my drink on them"

He smiles and holds my Hand "right on accident. But just try to ignore people who talk shit or flip them off" i smile and nod

The movie soon finishes and we go to the food court and get some dinner, we end up sitting in the car cuz Steve didn't want to run into Jason, which is fair

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