Chapter 23

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Steve POV

We meet everyone at the Wheeler house. They start talking about breaking into the Advisers office to see who was seeing her.

"Don't you guys think it's kinda weird to go through peoples files on their trauma? I mean what kind of shit would Vecna even go for?" Eddie says

"Probably something dark, or something they feel guilty about"  Nancy replies

"A few people should try to figure out the other parts of it, me and Nance can go while you guys go to the School Adviser" Robin suggests

We all agree on a solid plan, I think it's bullshit, I mean Robin and Nancy are really gonna go see Victor Creel just cuz some demon killed his family? It doesn't relate to this at all.

"Come on buttheads let's get this over with" I say, getting up and taking Eddie's hand

"And how exactly are we gonna break into the school?" Max asks

Fuck I didn't do that "I can pick locks if that helps" Eddie comments

"Why am I not surprised" Mike says to will.

I get them all in the car and go to the school, it's a Sunday so no one will be there.

We get to the school and go around to the back entrance, I watch as Eddie gets out some small tools and starts working ok the lock. "So uh why do you know how to do this?"

"My uncle showed me when I was younger, he said it would come in handle one day and I guess he was right, not sure he if has breaking into a school to look through kids mental health files is what he had in mind though" he replies and opens the door

We walk in and make our way to the office and Eddie picks the lock again. We walk in and start looking through the files.

I look at a couple, Until I See Eddie's name, I didn't know he saw her. I pick up his file and start looking through.

Headaches, nightmares, visions, flashbacks, guilt, it says he has depression and anxiety. shit.. I didn't know he was struggling this much. And this sounds like exactly what we're looking for. "Steve?" Lucas asks "did you find something

I quickly put Eddie's file away "nope, still looking" I smile and keep looking through the files.

"Hey, so what do we do if we actually find someone who's fucked up enough to be a target?" Eddie calls out

"Robin and Nancy are trying to figure that out" Mike relies. "I'm gonna show will around so he's ready to start coming here" he says and leaves with will

"They're going to hook up right?" Eddie says

"Is that all you can think about? You have sex one time and now you assume everyone is?" I comment

Dustin gags "Ew! Shut up! That's disgusting" Eddie laughs

"Aw Dustin someday you'll wanna do that with someone too" I tease and kiss Eddie a little too dramatically

"So. Gross." He gags and turns away and keeps looking

Eddie turns to me and smiles "we should do that again sometime"

"What the date or the thing after?" I smirk "cuz you seemed to reallyyy like what happened after, you're lucky my parents weren't home"

He goes red and nudges me "shut up you weren't exactly complaining"

"Will you two shut up" max says "I think I found something, Fred, you know that reporter guy that works with Nancy, he's had a few nightmares and has a lot of trauma. Sounds like he was in a car accident and he has a lot of flashbacks about it" she explains

"Ok, we should find him and try to talk to him"  Lucas agrees. We nod and leave the room and look for Mike and Will

We eventually find them in the science room pretending that they weren't making out "come on love birds we've got a lead" I say, slamming open the door.

We all run out to the car and get in "Maybe it would be better if Nancy talked to him?" Eddie suggests "he probably trusts her more"

I nod "yeah good idea"

"This is no fair, if I said that you'd call bull, the only advantage he has is he's fucking you" Dustin complains.

"Calm down Henderson you'll always be his favourite" Eddie pats his head.

I drive back to the Wheelers so we can wait for Nancy and Robin, I really hope they found something. I don't know what this Vecna guy is planning but I don't want him going after eddie

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