Chapter 3

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Steve POV

Me and Robin arrive at the pep rally as everyone's filling into the gym. Shes goes and stands next to vicki for band, that little love birds never gonna work up the courage to actually ask her out.

I look around to see if Munsons here but it doesn't look like he is. But I do find Dustin "Henderson" I run over "have you seen Eddie anywhere?"

"No he went to hide, me and Mike are gonna find him after we pick will and el up from the airport on Sunday, why do you need him?"

"No reason.. just cuz he killed that guy last night didn't he?"

"No! He didn't max saw the guy leaving his house, alive. Are you jealous again?"

"No I'm not jealous why would I be jealous?"

"Cuz now I have another older male friend"

"Ew don't say that, and no I'm not jealous of The freak"

"Whatever, you wanna come with us to find him or not?"

"Yeah I'll drive you little shits to the airport"I say and walk back to the stands to watch the game. For some reason the team is winning, they never won when I was there, my team must have been shit.

At the airport about 3 days later

we walk inside and wait at the gate for will and El. Before too long they arrive and Mike runs up to hug el then will.

"I missed you!" El said with just as much enthusiasm as she usually had with Mike.

"I missed you too" Mike turns to will who I just noticed was holding a rolled up piece of paper "what's that?"

"Um.. it's...It's nothing I'll show you later" will smiles

"Alright shitheads we gotta get going"

"Where are we're going" el asks "Mike was going to take me to a movie"

"Not today love birds there more murder"

"Again? But we were supposed to play DND" will says

"Oh will you'll love our new party, we're gonna go see the master now, it's called hellfire, you'll love it" Mike explains to him.

"Christ you guys are nerds, let's go" i hall them all into the car

"So Eddie's supplier lives on a place near the lake, we can start there then ask his uncle" Dustin says, getting out a map

"Why not start with his uncle that seems a lot easier"

"Because Steve, his uncle probably doesn't even know he's missing, he works all night"

"Whatever, I say we split up, me and Robin will do to the drug house, will Mike and Dustin go find another friends place and look, el Lucas and max go ask his band if they've seen him"

We all split up and before long me and Robin get to the ricks place. "You take the house I'll check the shed"

She nods and she goes into the house. I walk into the shed near the lake and turn on a light "Eddie?" I call, looking around at the beer bottles Snd wrappers "Eddie it's me Steve, I wanna help you man"

I suddenly hear him jump up from behind me and push me again the wall with a broken bottle to my throat "what to you want Harrington and how did you find me?"

His eyes look dark and wild, and also scared "i wanna help, I know you didn't kill that guys" he doesn't move the bottle, in fact he tightens his grip on me "robins here so, and Dustin Mike and their friends are gonna come here soon, we all want to protect you. We want to get you out of this situation, come on let us help you"

He just look at me for a moment before letting go and turning around "just go Harrington" he puts the bottle down and sighs

I pick up my radio "Robin go pick up the others and meet me back here" I say and she stays saying something then it cuts off, like the whole damn radio just stopped working
. I knew Henderson didn't put enough batteries in it

Eddie sniffs and turns around "I said go Harrington, I don't want you or anyone else knowing I'm here, I'm in deep enough shit as it is"

He look at him "shit you're bleeding are you ok" I walk over and wipe some blood off his top lip

He looks up at me "what're you doing? Why do you suddenly care so much about if I'm ok or not?"

I sigh and move away a little "I just don't think you should be alone right now, this has to be hard for you"

He nods "yeah, but I know enough about you to know that Steve Harrington will only put in effort if it benefits him somehow"

"That's not always true." I sigh "but In this case yeah I guess it is.. look Robin said you were into guys.. how did you know?" I look at him

He thinks for a moment then sits down "well, Steve, that's hard question, I guess I always saw my self with guys more then girl, like I could never think about a romantic relationship with a girl, it didn't feel right to me... so I guess you know when it feels right to think about yourself With a guy"

I nod slowly and sit down next to him "well I've kinda been thinking about this guy the whole day.." I look at him "Munson I think I'm gay"

"Congratulations, i dunno why you're telling me this though, if I were you I could be the last person I would come out to" 

"Why? You don't seem like the kinda person that would go around spreading rumours.. at least not rumours about peoples sexuality"

"Oh? Then what kind of rumours do you think I spread?" He looks at me, looking a little kinder then before.. well he doesn't look like he hates me

"Ones like Jason shitting his pants on his first game 3 years ago" i reply and he laughs

"I'll admit thats a good one Harrington" he smiles. "You really don't wanna rat me out to the police?"

"No of course not, you clearly didn't do this..I want to help you out of this. Look you probably haven't slept in awhile, why don't  you try to rest until the others get here and I'll stay look out" I suggest

He considers it for a moment Then agrees "wake me up if anything happens" I nod. He looks around I assume for a pillow or something but then he gently puts his head on my shoulder and closes his eyes.

He looks so sweet, put also so scared and in pain at the same time. When I know he's definitely asleep I wrap my arm around him and start to gently play with his hair.

I don't know why but I can't help but feel the need to help him and protect him, I don't want him to get hurt. I really like him

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