missing love

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Police officer: are we sure their gonna show up?

Swat: I'm sure of it

Chase: wait so i sit and watch many bullets fly

Police officer 2: basically

Gangster: throws smoke grenades in the room

Swat: ok get ready everyone

Mayor humdinger: runs into the room

Police officer: guns him down
Claw: we told him to wait

Arby: yep

Gangster: never work with an idiot

Claw: agreed

Sid: are we gonna deal with them

Gangster: right runs in and guns down the police officers and swat members

Chase: hey guys, sid arby buch and ruben

Sid: hello chase aims gun at him

Sarah: guys abort i got the hostage

Sid: lucky leaves with the other

Chase: bye I guess
Marshall: ow, she hits hard

Tina: yeah

Brayden: yeah, let's hope sweetie is safe

Ryder: about that she got sweetie

Jeff: what, that's bad right?

Carlos: depends what their planning

Jake: and lets hope it's nothing bad

Rubble: wow all of us against one girl and we end up knocked out

Everest: well she is skilled

Skye: and tough.
Jrax: hello sweetie, how is the bad pup doing?

Sweetie: ...

Jrax: no words, that's fine, we only need you to draw out chase, not for you to talk

Sarah: she will regret being born at the end of this

Wolf: yep

Scar: laughs and charle here is the one who found where chase was he planned it out Sarah only made the plan to pup nap you

Charle: looks at the ground in shame

Sid: wait so that's it, we don't kill anyone?

Jrax: nope

Scar: only the one that stand in our way, now get her ready, we're taking her far from here and adventure bay
Marshall: we have to find sweetie, but how?

Zuma: we check everywhere

Chase: no need

Skye: chase your ok

Jeff: oh good, wait your supposed to be under protection

Charle: i found him on my way here

(Flash back)

Charle: i have to find them and tell them everything

Chase: walking toward barkingburg castle

chase x sweetie MovieWhere stories live. Discover now