the bad news then good news

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Chase: so you're telling us he has amnesia?

Brayden: yes he has amnesia

Chase: how that guy wasn't even strong enough to do that

Brayden: trust me jrax may look weak but he is very strong when he is mad

Zuma: so he won't wemember anything?

Sweetie: well before you say anything brayden i have a drug that will make it go away but when it takes affect he'll pass out then i can do surgery to his brain and fix the amnesia problem which after the surgery he'll be very drugged basically dizzy nauseous weak and his vision will be a bit blurry and he will puke a couple time's the effects last for two days so he won't be allowed to do much of anything since he'll need a lot of rest

Chase: wait was that what you were gonna do to me when you put cut me in that secret room?

Sweetie: i was gonna put a mind control chip in your brain so basically but sadly you got luckily plus i was thinking of even cutting off your- actually I'm gonna stop there

Chase: no what were you gonna cut off?

Brayden: i know what she was gonna say because you wouldn't like it

Sweetie: yeah you would hate me

Chase: try me

Zuma: chase lets just say you won't be able to enjoy something with a giwl

Chase: i still don't understand

Sweetie: ok lets drop this and get rocky on the table so he won't have amnesia anymore

Brayden: right I'll get him

Zuma: can i try something fiwst?

Sweetie: ok just remember he doesn't remember anything

Marshall: hey guys i think we should euthanize him I'm just kidding i would never let that happen to rocky

Chase: don't joke like that it was really dumb idea cause rocky is our friend and your gonna joke about putting him down

Marshall: ok i regret that joke

Sweetie: are we gonna make him unconscious or not cause this might be the only way to cure as in kill the amnesia plus we don't need him to have amnesia if jrax returns

Brayden: yeah let's get this done, hey rocky come and follow us

Rocky: i don't think it's smart to follow someone i don't know

Chase: he's my brother don't worry

Rocky: well only if Marshall zuma sweetie and chase comes with

Marshall: don't worry we're right behind you

Chase: yeah

Brayden: and sweetie is already in there

Rocky: oh ok *he follows them in the room only to be knocked out and wale up an hour later tied down to a metal cold table with an annoying headache*

Brayden: oh you finally wake up so do you remember anything

Sweetie: remember he is super drugged right now to help him with most of the pain so try not to force him to talk

Rocky: no where is chase Marshall and zuma

Sweetie: their outside the room

Rocky: i want to see them *rocky tries to get up but sweetie lays him back down:*

Sweetie: your too drugged to move

Rocky: that's not fair

Sweetie: should have fought back I'll them brayden keep an eye on him *sweetie walks out to get chase Marshall and zuma*

Brayden: i swear I'll kill jrax who cares if a wolf is gay that rule was long gone

Rocky: well he's right it is against nature but i just can't chose who i like

Brayden: well nature can't kill you for it so that means it doesn't matter but jrax he is always trying to kill gay animals

Rocky: true hey wait why are you still here

Brayden: because my friend will rage a war one day and I'll assist you in it

Chase: hey brother didn't we talk about this your not a soldier

Brayden: then how is it i can beat you in any game

Zuma: actually not any game chase is good at pup pup boogie he has a high score well chase Marshall and skye has a good high score if you try to beat it they just start playing the game nonstop just to hit a new high score

Marshall: no we don't. do we?

Chase: we kinda do

Sweetie: you two are-

Brayden: don't say it i know my brother he always gets mad when he is called names also don't take his officer bear he'll probably go crazy he did when i took it then again i did hold it over a fire

Rocky: ok one why is there two chase. Two why does zuma keep getting hotter each day and three what is happening

Sweetie: we're deciding if we should cut off your ear or not

Zuma: did wocky just call me hot?

Chase: yes he did also we should get him somewhere comfortable instead of this room

Sweetie: yeah then i have to talk to chase and brayden alone

Zuma: I'll carry him

Marshall: I'll help

Chase: and i guess i will also help?

Zuma: nah we got it dude *zuma and Marshall pick up rocky and brings him to zuma and rockys temporal sleeping half of the room while chase brayden and sweetie stay in the secret room*

Brayden: so chase sit on the table so we can begin talking

Chase: why do i have to sit? *suddenly he hears the door slam close and lock immediately he turns around to see sweetie lock the door*

Sweetie: just sit down

Chase: why did you lock the door?

Brayden: brother sit on the table *but chase refuses to listen and keeps asking the same question until brayden had enough and forced him on the table and puts the restraints on him so he doesn't get up*

Chase: what are you doing

Sweetie: don't worry nothing bad just we need you to calm down and i need you to explain something like why you won't listen to my commands i put a chip of some kind in your head while you were passed out the day you first found out about this room so i could learn you secrets but you won't listen to the commands why won't you?

Chase: i don't know

Brayden: if you don't listen to the commands she'll have to do another surgery to your head so I'll get the syringe to put you to sleep then sweetie will do the rest while i make sure the others don't try to come in the room

*brayden gets the syringe and gives it to sweetie then leaves the room after unlocking it to make sure the others didn't try to get in after locking it again*

Sweetie: i don't know why your excited your gonna be in a lot of pain soon

Chase: something hot is near by

Sweetie: well aren't you dumb now stay still so i can put you to sleep then begin the surgery *sweetie grabs his wrist so he doesn't try to resist and she puts the syringe in his vein making him pass out in seconds then she begins the surgery*

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