evil or good?

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Sweetie: guy's he's not breathing

Brayden: wait what?!? *he said with a growl while glances at his friend jrax for second before looking back at his brother chase*

Rocky: do CPR now if it's the breathing that stopped first then there is still time

Sweetie: i don't know how to do CPR

Brayden: what did you do jrax

Jrax: i did what you said i injected him with the tranquilizer dart

Brayden: you better not have killed him or i will kill you

Jrax: i promise i didn't

Zuma: how don't you know how to do do it?

Rocky: oh damn it we're wasting time *rocky pushed sweetie out of the way and put his paw on chases chest and started doing chest compressions*

Zuma: is thewe anything we can do?

Rocky: yes make sure he lives by pumping air into his lungs by plugging his nose and blowing into his mouth

Sweetie: I'll do it zuma keep an eye on them *she says as she helps rocky save chase*

Zuma: you did this and to youw own bwothew how could you?

Brayden: listen pup i only came here to tell chase that there was a message from the assassin that killed our parents someone else did that to him

Jrax: like the bloody night assassin *he whimpered and went to hide behind brayden*

Zuma: the who?

Brayden: it's a very skilled assassin he strikes at night from a far only uses close range if he is forced to by either getting cornered or shot in the shoulder even though he is in pain after a shot he still fights to survive trust me he is very dangerous no one dares to fight or try to stop him

Zuma: oh luckily he isn't in adventure bay but he is here with us *he chuckles nervously*

Rocky: ok he's breathing again but he will be unconscious for about by looks of the poison in him a day or three

Brayden: What!

Zuma: wait how do you know all of this?

Rocky: Marshall trained me just in case i or someone I'm on a mission with gets hurt he sent invitations to all of you

Zuma: honestly i didn't weally want to go just in case it was a joke and a waste of time so i went suwfing at the beach

Rocky: oh i thought i saw you

Sweetie: I'm gonna get mouth wash what did he eat before coming here?

Rocky: we aren't lying we don't know but whatever it is makes him stronger from what he says

Zuma: ima go to sleep in the guest bedwoom

Brayden: and I'm staying here until my brother wakes up

Rocky: i just said it could be a day or three

Brayden: ok and I'm very patient

Zuma: actually I'm gonna stay in here sleep

Sweetie: rocky and zuma you two in sleep in the double bed on the left of the room and jrax and brayden you two can sleep on the side of the room I'll sleep here and keep chase warm since it's gonna get cold soon

Rocky: o-o-ok *rocky says stuttering while blushing*

Zuma: are you blushing dude?

Rocky: n-no *he says while him and zuma are walking to thier bed*

chase x sweetie MovieWhere stories live. Discover now