chase can only tell the truth?

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*chase wakes up after the surgery*

Chase: ow my head what happened?

Sweetie: i put something on the back of your head it will force you to say nothing but the truth now who is your sister

Chase: i don't know. i didn't know i had one

Sweetie: it works ok lets go drunk pup *she helps him off the table and out of the rook then guided him to her bed wjere she laid him down*

Zuma: what happened to him?

Sweetie: something fell on his head now he's dizzy

Zuma: oh well I've been wondering hey chase who do you have a crush on?

Sweetie: why did you just ask that it's clear he might refuse to reveal it

Chase: well i actually have four two of them being skye and sweetie

Zuma: who awe the othew two?

Rocky: remember us?

Zuma: oh right i forgot we found out while playing truth or dare long time ago

Brayden: ok well chase if you like skye she is right over there why don't you tell her you like her

Chase: because i was planning to a- OW! *chase passes out*

Sweetie: chase!

Chase: woah where am i?

Wolf: you are in your mind i am wolf I'm from a different universe and since i was able to reach you that means i can inform you about something that would be a bad Idea to do
Chase: huh ow my head what happened

Sweetie: you just passed out

Brayden: it's a side effect to the chip on the back of your head so before it could kill you i took the chip off your head then sweetie did CPR and mouth to mouth to save you even though you weren't drowning

Sweetie: you said you wouldn't tell him idiot

Brayden: sweetie i always tell the truth

Zuma: hey wait i just realized there's only dirty water to swim in

Sweetie: not at the beach it's beautiful out there

Rocky: chase remember the time zuma got active when he was swimming then he nearly got pulled underwater by a very horny female pup and you had to do CPR and mouth to mouth to save him because the girl almost drowned to death?

Chase: yes i remember that and i kinda wish Marshall did that since he is a EMT but he wasn't because he was where

Marshall: pizza party that's where i was i didn't even hear what you said because how loud the party was

Sweetie: so you like partying when you should always be ready for a fire or something to happen

Marshall: well there wasn't and plus if something did happen ryder would have called me

Rocky: why don't we all play truth or dare and stop talking about all of this

Sweetie: ok but one thing didn't you forget why your still pretty drugged

Rocky: because i was attacked and now I'm here oh wait the drug it finally wore off i can see without the room spinning or feeling tired

Zuma: you called me hot while you wewe dwugged

Rocky: oh i mean are you sure it was me it could have  been chase or sweetie

Sweetie: i would much rather date chase- I mean nothing

Zuma: you like chase?

Chase: no that's impossible she hates me

Rocky: yeah don't be crazy zuma

Skye: well good to see everything is fine but me Marshall Everest tracker has to go

Chase: oh can't you all stay?

Skye: no sorry plus my boyfriend is probably worried

Rocky: when did you get a boyfriend?

Skye: when you and zuma left to assist chase and sweetie on looking for the thefts

Sweetie: guys i think something is wrong with chase he looks...hurt?

Zuma: oh he's fine don't worry

*skye and the others left but Marshall decided to stay just in case someone gets hurt again*

Rocky: chase earth to chase wake up

Marshall: i got this *Marshall then tackles chase and pins him down playfully*

Rocky: hmmm usually he would immediately fight back

Sweetie: well maybe he broke?

*chase came back to reality*

Chase: uh why are you on me?

Marshall: you zoned out or something

Chase: oh sorry i just- never mind

Rocky: oh heartbroken it hurts i should know

Chase: how you never heard your crush say something that would break your heart

Rocky: good point

Zuma: chase i think thewe is still hope I'm not talking about you and skye but the pup i am talking about starts with an swe

Chase: who is swe- oh no your not suggesting i date sweetie are you? *chase kicks off Marshall and sits back up*

Zuma: yep

Rocky: as long as you don't get her pregnant

*chase blushes so does sweetie that also heard what rocky said*

Sweetie: yeah right I'm not letting that small thing inside of me

Chase: it's not small it is a regular size also rocky what are you my dad?

Sweetie: sure it is it's probably like 1 inch

Rocky: sometimes someone had to say it

Marshall: yeah usually it's the brother that says that also chase isn't lying about the size all of us seen it at one point not meaning to let's just say we walked in on him showing and don't ask how he worked the shower we don't know how

Zuma and rocky: regret it was stuck in our heads for a long time then it wasn't and now it is again if you need us we'll be trying to forget about it

Sweetie: i won't believe it until I see it

Chase: then get ready cause i show no mercy

Brayden: brother she isn't ready for that kind of thing plus i won't let you have sex until your at least my age

Chase: what! Thats unfair your literally 19

Brayden: exactly

Rocky: haha he told you chase. Ryder said the same thing when chase asked about mateing and ryder said he isn't allowed until he is 19

Zuma: and yet we all still have cwushes and sometimes sexual attentions awound them but we ignowe it

Brayden: you guys are missing out hey if you all want i can teach you how to please a girl before being 19

All pups: nah we can wait

Brayden: ok well I'm always here to teach chase i see you sneaking off into the secret room don't try to be stealthy you know I'll find a way to embarrass you anyway

Chase: dang it so close

Zuma: actually I'm now cuwious what embawwassing stowy's you can tell us about chase

Brayden: there is many like the time he jerked off to a picture of skye then fell off the bed after being scared of what came out of his dick it was funny to watch him fall off the bed i couldn't stop laughing my sister just went to check on him but she did laugh a bit before checking on him

Chase: shut up i didn't know what that stuff was it could have been something dangerous

Brayden: that what makes it more funny.

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