Chapter 1: Prolog: NEED TO EAT!

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It's only been a week after the whole Nogitsune thing and the nightmares are still affecting me. They never went away and only changed.

My nightmares remind me every night what I did and every day the pack along with everyone I know tries to tell me "It wasn't me." When little do they know I did. He let me out and I continued to hurt them.

I enjoyed hurting and seeing my friends die. I enjoyed the pain I caused, and no one knows how I feel.

I feel all kinds of wrong like I'm suffering from withdrawals, and I NEED to eat. Not eat but absorb pain, chaos, and strife.

I feel like I'm losing my mind all over again and the only thing I can think about. As I'm thinking all this my mind goes to the dark side and I state rubbing my head "FUCK. Why am I thinking this. I can't do that. It's wrong and horrible. I'm not a monster!"

I'm pacing throughout the house and I suddenly just yell going out the door "DAMN IT!!!" I just can't think straight I NEED TO EAT!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2022 ⏰

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