Chapter 8

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I wake up the next morning with a pounding head ache and a heavy hand. I squint at the light shinning through the windows, making everything worse. Then I look down and see Jake gripping my hand tightly as he sleeps on the floor, and Charlie sleeps opposite me on the other sofa. I can't believe they both stayed with me... And  I can't believe how much I need to puke right now!

I leap off the chair, waking the two boys by accident, and make a bee line for the bathroom. I hate throwing up, it always makes me feel so disgusting and I can never do anything about it.

I feel a warm hand on my back, rubbing soothing circles, and they pull my hair back so I don't get puke in it. I know exactly who it is.

Due to the small amount of food I ate yesterday, I didn't have much to throw up, so I was mainly just dry heaving and coughing at this point. I lift my hand up to flush the toilet, and sit back against the wall, wiping my mouth which made me wince because of my split lip. "Does it hurt?"

"Like hell." I answer. "What're you doing here Jake?"

"I don't like to see you upset and I know how much you hate puking." He states.

"I also don't like absolute strangers knowing my personal business, but you didn't really care about that yesterday, did ya?" I sneer.

"Look Mads, I'm so so sorry. I don't think I've ever been this sorry in my life." He says dramatically. "But if you would've heard what I was saying then you wouldn't be angry or upset. You'd understand."

I stay quiet and start to brush my teeth, so he continues, "Do you ever start to talk about something that you really really like and you just don't know how to stop talking and you just go on and on and on and you describe every aspect that you can?"

"You know I do. You know me better then anyone." I mumble.

"Well that's what happened yesterday in the lake. I started talking and I couldn't stop. And I didn't see her there I was in my own world reminiscing on all the stuff we used to do an-and I didn't know how to shut up." He explains.

I roll my eyes and spit the toothpaste out, "Well learn, jerk off." 

He sighs, "Maddie, I'm trying to explain myself and I feel like your not listening to me."

"Oh I'm listening, I just don't believe you." I shrug.

"Well start believing. Please believe in me and the way I feel towards you." He begs. "Or-or just try to. Please."

"I'll think about it." I stand up, walk out the bathroom, and Nigel, Kyle and Mike see me and run straight at me.

"Maddie!" "Sonny!" They cheer.

"Boys! I have head ache." I cheer.

"Sorry!" They apologise.

"Its fine, don't worry." I smile at them. "Come on."

"Okay." Nigel and Kyle nod and start walking but Mike stands there expectantly. 

"What?" I ask.

"I'm tired." He pouts and I jokingly roll my eyes.

"Come here." He smiles widely and lifts his arms up so I chuck him over my shoulder. I look back and see Jake staring at me sadly in the hall, I give him a tight-lipped smile, before walking off with Mike over my shoulder.


"Hey boys, do you wanna go get some ice cream?" I ask the twins and the nod eagerly.

"Yeah!" They cheer.

"Yeah!" I high five them.

"Can Jake come too?" Nigel asks, elbowing his brother.

Always Been You | Jake Baker [2]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang