Chapter 4

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"Be gone!" Gandalf yelled

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"Be gone!" Gandalf yelled

Gandalf pointed his staff at Theoden , who lunged at him. Theoden was thrown back into his chair. Slowly the color of his eyes , skin and hair started going back to normal. The king of Rohan let out a moan and slumped forwards in the chair. Eowyn rushed forward to her uncles side as he fell. Theodens head raised again as clarity and recognition returned to his eyes.

"I know your face." Theoden said as he closely looked at Eowyn, who was weeping out of happiness. "Gandalf?" Theoden asked looking at Gandalf in confusion and recognition.

"Breathe the free air agai, my friend" Gandalf spoke

The hall was filled with light again , as everyone marveled at the rejuvenation of their king. Then Theoden stood up and looked around

"Dark have been my dreams of late" He said as he looked at his trembling fingers.

"Your fingers would remember their old strength better...if they grasped your sword." Gandalf said. A guard ran up with Theoden's sword. The king reached for it with trembling hands. He wrapped his fingers around it slowly and the drew it , gazing upon the shining steel. Grima trembled and went to espace but Y/N and Gimli pulled him back. Suddenly Theoden's gaze averted to Grima.

Grima was thrown out the hall and pushed down the stairs.

"Argh!" Grima yelled to Theoden "I've only ever served you , my lord!"

Theoden started walking towards him ,holding his sword firmly "Your leechcraft would have me crawling on all fours like a beast!"

Theoden raised his sword to kill Grima but Aragon stopped him.

"No , my lord! No ,my lord. Let him go. Enough blood has been spilled on his account!" Aragorn said

Grima scrambled to his feet and pushed trough out the crowd.

"Hail Theoden king!" a guard yelled as Y/N, Legolas ,Gimli and Aragorn kneeled with everyone else. Theoden turns to go back into the hall, but then he stopped and looked up.

"Where is Theodred? Where is my son?"

A funeral was held for Theodred. Y/N accompanied it with her friends. Trying her best to comfort Eowyn. Now everyone was back in the hall expect Gandalf and Theoden. Y/N got a room, it wasn't small but it wasn't big either, there was a closet a medium sized bad ,and a desk, and some clothes, they weren't the best but she still appreciated for the maids giving her anything at all, because Y/N brought only three dressed with her from Rivendell. Whenever she thought about Rivendell she remembered Aerin and Ithil. She really missed them , she missed Aerins crazy curly hair , her sarcasm, her jokes and Ithil's long red hair , kindness , humor and his confidence. She smiled at the memories of them. There was one thing Y/N always noticed. The way Ithil looked at Aerin. Like she's the most beautiful girl in the world, which no doubt she was. Y/N wished someone would look at her like that. A knock on her door broke her from her thoughts. Y/N quickly put the clothes she was folding into her closet. The maids offered to do it for her but Y/N refused , she didn't want to overwhelm them with everything plus she was capable folding her own clothes. Y/N walked to the door , her black dress flowing behind her. As she opened the door there stood Eowyn with teary-eyes.

"I'm very sorry to disturb you , i just need someone to talk to."

"No , no it's fine , please come in" Y/N said moving from the door letting Eowyn in. "Please sit down" Y/N said pointing to her bed

Eowyn sat down and started talking "I'm sorry , it's just very hard for me and i have no one to talk to , i mean i knew this would happen ever since my brother brought him back , he was badly injured and i knew nothing could've helped me so i've been preparing my self for this but i didn't realize how hard this would actually be"

Y/N felt bad for Eowyn she sat down next to her and took Eowyn's hand into hers rubbing it with her thumb making Eowyn look up at her. "I don't know how you feel, but i will always be here to listen and for you to express your emotions. There was nothing you could've done to prevent it. I know it can be hard to get over his death, but i'm sure he would want you to cry over him every day. I'm sure Theodred would want you to move on and continue with your life normally. Believe me"

Eowyn smiled a sad smile and said "Thank you Y/N , really , i'm really glad you're here and that i had someone to talk to"

"No problem, I think you should go to your uncle , i'm sure he needs someone to be there for him. And if you ever need anything i'm right here" Y/N said

Eowyn stood up and went to the door smiling at Y/N "Thank you again, bye"

Y/N smiled back "bye"

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