Chapter 1

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Legolas , Gimli, Y/N and Aragorn were chasing after the hobbits who got taken by Uruk-Hai

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Legolas , Gimli, Y/N and Aragorn were chasing after the hobbits who got taken by Uruk-Hai. Aragorn was lying on a rock with his eyes closed and ear pressed to the ground, listening for the sound of footsteps.

"Their pace has quickened" Aragorn said as he looked up "They must have picked up our scent hurry!" Aragorn yelled and started running.

"Come on Y/N , Gimli!" Legolas yelled and started running after Aragorn. Gimli and Y/N groaned at the same time. Y/N was so exhausted she thought she was gonna just collapse while running.

"Three days, and night pursuit.No food.No rest. And no sign of quarry but what bare rock can tell." Gimli complained and Y/N chuckled.

"I cant run anymore" Y/N said to Gimli while running slowly.

"Me neither lassie , but we must keep going."

The four hunters ran across rocks and plains , with Aragorn in the lead, followed by Legolas, Gimli and Y/N. Legolas would look back from time to time to see if Gimli and Y/N were keeping up and surprisingly they were. Y/N was usually the fastest runner back in her school, but this was different. Running for three days straight completely exhausted her. Aragorn suddenly bent down to pick up something. It was an Elven leaf from the coat they got in Lothlorien.

"Not idly do the leaves of Lorien fall"

Legolas stopped next to Aragorn Y/N picking up her pace and catching up to them, standing next to Legolas while taking deep breaths.

"They may yet still be alive" Legolas said

"Less than a day ahead of us.Come!" Aragorn yelled and started running as Y/N once again groaned. Legolas looked at her and smirked.

"Oh wipe that smirk off your face" Y/N said as Legolas's smirk only grew and Y/N smiled at him too as they started running together.

Behind them Gimli stumbled behind some rocks and rolled down to the ground.

"Come Gimli! We're gaining on them!" Legolas yelled to Gimli

"I am wasted on cross-country! We dwarves are natural sprinters! Very dangerous over short distances!" Gimli yelled behind Legolas and Y/N.


Y/N , Aragorn , Legolas and Gimli come over a hill and pause as they gaze at the grassland below. Legolas run ahead and looked out to the horizon.

"Legolas what do your elf eyes see?" Aragorn yelled to Legolas

"The Uruks turned northeast! They're taking the hobbits to Isengard!" Legolas yelled back and Y/N burst out laughing remembering the meme. Everyone looked at her and she immediately stopped laughing , but that didn't stop her from having a big smile on her face.

"Sorry, spasm" Y/N said and Legolas looked at her , a small smile growing on his face.


Aragorn, Gimli , Legolas and Y/N were catching up to Uruks.

"Keep breathing! That's the key! Breathe! Ho!" Gimli said to himself

"Come on Gimli!" Y/N yelled

"They've run as if the very whips of their masters were behind them" Legolas said


The four hunters were still chasing after the Uruk-Hai. To make things worse , they didn't even sleep. Y/N was sure she looked like hell right now. No sleep, dirty clothes , tangled hair. Legolas stopped running and looked up.

"A red sun rises. Blood has been spilled this night"

They kept running after them , this time closer than ever. Then the four hunters heard a horn and immediately hid behind some rocks. A large group of horse-men appear , galloping quickly with their banners flying. Aragorn came out of hiding as the horse-men passed them , followed by Gimli, Legolas and Y/N

"Riders of Rohan , what news from the mark?" Aragorn yelled.

The riders make a quick turn and head towards them , surrounding them in a circle. As they stopped , the horse men pointed their long spears at them.

"What business does an Elf, a man , a woman and a Dwarf have in the Riddermark?Speak quickly!" The leader yelled

"Give me your name Horsemaster, and i shall give you mine." Gimli said

The leader handed his stuff to an other rider and got off his horse.

"I would cut off your head Dwarf, if it stood a little higher of the ground"

Legolas quickly pulled out his bow and pointed it at the leader , followed by Y/N who took out her sword.

"You would die before your stroke fell!" Legolas yelled

The rider pointed their spears closer at the travelers. After a tense moment Aragorn pushed down Y/N sword and Legolas's bow.

"I am Aragorn , son of Arathorn. This is Y/N , a friend from distant lands. Gimli , son of Gloin and Legolas , of the Woodland realm.We are friends of Rohan and Theoden, your king"

"Theoden no longer recognizes friend from foe" The leader said taking off his helmet "Not even his own kin"

The spears were suddenly withdrawn.

" Saruman has poisoned the mind of the king and claimed lordship over these lands. My company are those loyal to Rohan. And for that, we are banished. The White Wizard is cunning. He walks here and there, they say an old man, hooded and cloaked. And everywhere
his spies slip past our nets." said the leader

"We are not spies.We track a party of Uruk-Hai westward across the plain. They've taken two of our friends captive" said Aragorn

"The Uruks are destroyed.We slaughtered them during night" the leader said

"But there were two hobbits. Did you see two hobbits with them?" asked Gimli

"We left none alive. We left the carcasses and burned them." the leader said pointing to a smoking pile in the distance.

"Dead?" Gimli said in disbelief.

The leader nodded and said "I'm sorry"

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