Which is why he was as red as a tomato, and also why he had thrown a pretty hard right hook right afterwards.

"Come on Shiggy, haven't you learned before~"
"Pain turns me on~"

"Tsk, alright listen you fuck!"
"We're leaving you here, like this!"
"With the collar."
"And if tomorrow you're still alive, we'll give you an option, kill Spiderman or go back into that basement!"

"You'll have all night to think about it."

"Oh goodie~"

"You two have thirty minutes to do whatever you want."

"Just make sure not to kill him completely."


So Izuku did take a few wrong turns on his way, but he eventually got to Deadpool's place.

He tried knocking at first, however no one had answered.
Which made him slightly worry.

'It's ok Izuku, maybe he just.... out?'

Would the blonde be mad if he just snuck a peak?
Just to make sure he wasn't home.

The freckle teen nodded his head, Deadpool probably won't get to mad.
Especially after he finds out be was just worried about him, he'll probably make some sly comment.


Spiderman called out, creaking open said door only to met with complete darkness and creepy silence.


He tried again, earning a small whine over on the far corner.

Izuku forrowed his brows, deciding to take his phone out and turn on the flashlight.

"Oh my god Deadpool!!"

Katsuki was laying face first on the ground, bloodied and bruised.
And on closer inspection, he had a plastic bag covering his face while his hands were tied to his legs.

Another whine, as the blonde felt the bag get lifted off his face allowing his breathing to be less restricting.

"W-What happened!?"
"Know what, doesn't matter right now, we gotta get you out of this."

"T-Top drawer."

Katsuki panted, his heart was pounding out of his chest and every little move he did made his whole body feel like little knifes were stabbing his fresh wounds.

"Top drawer?"

The greenette shined his phone around the room, noticing a dresser right next to the broken down bed.

"Oh top drawer!"

He shouted, running over to said dresser and opening up the top drawer finding a bunch of knifes, blades, guns and pills in there.
He was only frozen for a moment until another whine escaped the Blonde's lips and he quickly snapped out of it.
Grabbing the first knife he could get and running back over to Deadpool, successfully cutting off his ropes.


Deadpool wimpered, scratching at it.
He could feel himself slowly slipping away, and in all honesty he was tempted to just give up.
He was so fucking tired.

"I-I don't know how to get that off, I have to have the proper tools, pool."

"I thought you were immortal!"

Izuku cried out, he hadn't exspected to find the blonde like this!
He was panicking, he didn't have any thing on him that could help in this situation!!

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