You Okay there Morko?

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Welp that was an hour and a half I've been out... Wonder why this keeps happening. I should really see a doctor that is actually an engineer for help. But first I have to get back to residential.

Back at the residential

I wonder why this is recently happening.
Is it because of the attack? It probably is. I can't feel my left arm... Wait a minute, what happened to my arm?!

They have grown to the shape of a cone. And instead of a hand it is a claw! What the hell?! How is this even possible, we aren't organic, it would make sense if the author would make this story a vampire story but how is this possible? Must conceal this, what will the others think? I would be exiled! Exiled from my sister, my friends, I would surely die out there!

Good thing I was wearing a jumper, that will probably hide it for the most part. God why didn't I realize that I had a different arm, did anyone else realize this?

I should probably get some sleep, maybe this is all a bad dream? Made from trauma from the incident? That probably is the case.

Teh next day....

I have woke up and found that I still have the arm. This is terrible. The arm is always very stiff and I can't even move it. Maybe this is because it's still settling in? I'm going to remove the arm and see what I can do, because I don't want to have a pipe as a hand as well.

The arm is pretty complicated. It seems to have many different joints and attachment slots. Maybe this is how they store all of their utilities? I see it also isn't connected to my torso and is merely attached at all. It should work if I wire everything in. I don't really call myself a genius in any reach, but am well educated in machinery.

Then sister walked in

Ukala: Hey Mork- WHAT IS THAT?!

Morkovo: Sis! Uh... This is my... arm?

Ukala: Why is it shaped like that?!

Morkovo: Umm... I have no idea how...

Ukala: ...

Morkovo: ...

Ukala: Wait isn't that a... MURDER DRONE ARM?!?!

Morkovo: I know this looks bad sis, but I'm sure there is a good reason why my arm is a murder drones arm.

Ukala: Morkovo, your not from terminator 2. There is no way you can get that arm at all.

Morkovo: Then explain my arm!

Ukala: I dunno! Anyways, I gotta go hang with the others, see you later... Golden Eyes.

Morkovo: Hey! My eyes aren't golden.

Ukala: Check the mirror.

I then immediately rushed to check the mirror. My eyes were yellow?! Oh crap what the actual hack is going on? And training is in 5 minutes!

Ukala: Umm... Brother

Morkovo: I don't know what to do sis how can I go to training like this.

Ukala: You can borrow my Lense replacements.

Morkovo: We have lense replacements? Since when?

Ukala: We've always had these, you are just to busy practicing the atomany of a drone.

Morkovo: Okay, I'll wear one of these to training, Hopefully im not late!

I then sprinted out of the room, past the infirmary, past the storage, down the stairs, past Residential 2 C, to the left, over the offices, to the education district, up the stairs and reached Arms training.

Quoroa: Morko! I thought you'll be late.

Morkovo: Wait- *wheeze* Let. Me. Catch a breath.  *Wheeze* god it's hard to run with a pipe for a leg!

Quoroa: We don't need oxygen to breath thought.

Morkovo: Don't questions it.

Quoroa: Welp your here now, that's all it matters.

Arms Training

Instructor: Alright guys just like we did last time. Make sure the Pistol is facing the middle and the height of the front sight and back sight is connected. Stop ignoring the back sight Geoff!

Geoff: Yes sir.

Instructor: And Morkovo... Please remember to remove your cosplay props off your hand, or I'll take you to detention

Morkovo: Oh, sorry sir... Won't happen again.

Quoroa: Oh so that's whats up with your arm!

Morkovo: Yes... Yes that's what's going on.

Quoroa: It looks so functional too! Which designer did you go to?

Morkovo: Don't really remember!

Quoroa: Man that sucks, Welp let's shoot some targets, shall we?

Morkovo: I'm going to shoot more with my Markov then your little G-18

Quoroa: Hey! Don't make fun of this, this can go full auto for goodness sake!

Morkovo: Well this weapon is more accurate!

Quoroa: Then let's see for our selves!

After Training

Quoroa: I can't believe you got a better score than me!

Morkovo: I just follow the instructors rules, you just set yours to burst.

Quoroa: It's a good for multiple shots. Though.

Morkovo: Yeah but the recoil sucks though. But anyways I need you to keep a secret

Quoroa: What's the secret?

Morkovo: Follow me.

As we travelled to the place that no one could possibly leak my secret, we reached therm.

Quoroa: alright Morko. What's the secret you want to share.

Morkovo: There's something wrong with me Quoro, there something very wrong.

Quoroa: Then go to the infirmary, they will definitely fix your bugs.

Morkovo: It's a very big problem, I think I'm turning into a murder drone.

Quoroa, then burst out in laughter: Hah! That's a good one.

Morkovo: No! I'm serious. My arm it's a actual murder drone arm, and my eyes are yellow.

Quoroa: What do you mean? Your eyes are fine.

Morkovo: Oh wait.

I took off the lense replacement, showing yellow eyes.

Quoroa: Dude... Your joking... Right?

Morkovo: I'm not, in being serious here and-

I feel like I'm burning inside, like if I've been thrown into an oven, the pain is outrageous. My inside feel like they are moving, I feel... Dizzy... The floor... Looks like a comfy bed right now... Maybe it's not that bad if I just crash into the ground all of a sudden...

WARNING: Everything sucks from here.

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