,,-Chapter 7- ,,

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Y/n's POV 

Yesterday was horrible but thanks to Jeonghan I had someone to cry to, I felt like the world was falling apart, as well as my heart. How could I function without my other half? And why did the other half leave me to be a part of someone else's half? I was trapping myself in my room because I didn't want to face the world while looking like this. My brother keeps checking up on me and Jeonghan has been really helpful and supportive of me. I had my favorite people next to me, I was happy but I always thought of him being with her and it made me more horrible. I thought I had to come clean and face my fears. I had an agenda today. Tell my brother how I have been feeling, go to my parents and tell them everything, look for an apartment, and lastly talk to Min-Hyun. Didn't want to do the last one but Jeonghan convinced me that I knew everything, make him explain before holding a huge grudge against him. 

I wanted to look for an apartment for me to stay in instead of staying with my brother, I didn't want to bother him anymore. I also thought that I wanted to move here, and be here with the people I miss and love. I also looked at hospitals and I thought my life would've been better here in Seoul. Telling my brother everything was hard because he is always busy with his career now. But II understand the position and that's why I want to move to an apartment. 

My brother knocked on my door and I let him in, I wanted the first thing on my agenda to be done. I told him everything and he hated Min-Hyun, he said he knew that he was going to that. He didn't deserve me nor do I deserve him. I learned from my brother that relationships are lessons to learn from and when you find your great love, you apply everything you learned from them and be a better person to them. He was midnight while I was sunshine. I also him that I'll be meeting with him later but he didn't take so well. He said I should stay away from him but I told him that I could do it and no need to worry. 

I took a bus to Daegu early in the morning to visit my parents. Everyone was busy so I went by myself and while in the bus I kept looking at the window while listening to music. I wish my eyes were like cameras for them to capture every moment I have. My parents prepared a feast for me when I came back home. 

I told them that I had broken up with Min-Hyun and I was planning to move to Seoul for my future. I already found a good hospital with high pay and a nice rating, well I haven't found an apartment yet. It feels so different moving away from home but I wanted a change. My mother didn't want me to move away just because of the breakup but It was a whole different reason.  I wanted to move because I wanted a change, being in Seoul changed me. I have so many opportunities in Seoul, I see my future in Seoul.

I stayed over for a night and left early in the morning. Time felt so fast. I texted Min-Hyun that I wanted to meet up at the apartment because I was too tired to go meet up at some place. I knew he wouldn't reply but It's worth a try. Then when I arrived at the apartment after a long bus ride from daegu to Seoul, I was surprised that he replied to me and wanted to meet up with me. I texted him that I wanted to meet at the apartment. 

While watching tv in the living room, I heard someone ring the doorbell and ran to the door but made sure to see if it really is Min-hyun and not some random stranger. I let Min-Hyun and led him to the dinning room. 

"So-What do you want to talk about?" He asked as I took a deep breath before saying anything. "About the break up. I wanted you to explain. I need an explanation for everything."

"First of all, my friends and I had bet about you. I won, I got my prize, being with the most beautiful girl on campus and when I won I got to be friends the girl I have always liked with all my heart. I played you. I was seeing my first love behind you and the more we got to know each other. I eventually liked you but I was never sure that I loved you. And I stayed with you because I didn't want you to be hurt. I met up again with my first love and that's when you saw me. I liked you but I never loved you. We were never in love Y/n." 

"Thank you, for being my first love and the good moments we had together but I loved you. I hope you're happy with her, don't hurt her like you did with me." I replied as I hugged him for the last time. 

I bid goodbye for the last time and my heart was healed, it was no longer heavy. 

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