"Aunt Jenna forced me here," I said which made her nod.

Her and Bonnie started takilng out the candles that were in the box and Bonnie started looking around the yard.

"Caroline's not here?" she asked which made Elena surprised.

"No. I'm surprised you brought her up, I thought you were still mad at her," Elena said.

"I was, but Theo convinced me that Caroline had no choice in being turned and that she's been one of my longest friends besides him and you and I can't let that go," Bonnie said.

Elena turned to look at me and gave me a smile. After that we went back to setting up some more stuff for the masquerade when I saw a glimps of Mason.

"Hey, I'll be right back," I told the girls and walked away to find Mason.

I got to him just as Stefan got to him.

"Hey, Stefan, Theo," Mason said as he saw us.

"Hey, Mason," we said to him as he set a box on the table.

"Wasn't expecting you here. Or anywhere," he said to Stefan.

"Yeah, I had this little accident. But I'm fine now," Stefan said.

"Yeah, thanks to me and Caroline," I said.

"What did you do to Sheriff Forbes?" he questioned us.

"Oh, she's fine too, but from now on, you'll have to do your own dirty work," Stefan told him.

"Not a problem," Mason said as he walked away.

As he walked away he accidentally ran into Bonnie. He appologized and left, but Bonnie kept watching him walk away with a weird look on her face that me and Stefan noticed.

"What's the matter? Are you okay?" I asked as we walked up to her.

"When I touched him, I saw something," Bonnie said.

"What do you mean? Like a vision?" Stefan asked her.

"I saw Elena," she said which confused me.

"You saw Elena?" me and Stefan said at the same time, before we looked at each other.

"Dude, we have to stop doing that," I said with an eye roll.

"He was kissing her," Bonnie said bringing me back to the problem at hand.

"No, Bonnie, Elena wouldn't kiss..." Stefan trailed off until he came to a conclousion. "You didn't see Elena, you saw...Katherine."

"Well, shit," I said.


Third Person POV:

Elena was sorting out some mask for the masquerade, when she saw Stefan, Bonnie and Theo talking before Damon walked up to her.

"Damon, what are you doing here?" she asked him.

"Looking for my baby bro. Speaking of, would you tell yours to stop following me around?" he said to her.

"What's going on?" she asked.

"Ask eager beaver," he told her before leaving as Jeremy walked over.

"Jeremy, what is he making you do?" Elena questioned the boy.

"He's not making me do anything, Damon and I..." Jeremy started.

"Uh, no. No way. No, no, no, no. There is no "Damon and you". There's Damon and whoever Damon is using, and those people, they end up dead. Whatever is going on Jeremy, I want you to stay out of it," Elena said cutting him off.

The Lost Mikaelson (TVD FANFICTION) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora