Sunghoon's voice was patient, like he always used to. His grip on Jake is still there.

"As far as I know... It was not in the contract but I think it's still improper for someone like me to feel this way..."

Jake looked at the hand on his elbow.

"Director Park is an amazing person... He shines on his work and he truly knows that he's best on it..."

"He's someone that you can always count on to. Someone who will always stand by your side and will understand every single thing that you'll do..."

"I might have not entered other companies yet but I can proudly say that Director Park is the kindest..."

"And I will always be proud to tell everyone that I am his Secretary... I'm working under him and I got to experience his greatness first hand..."

"That's why I apologize because I don't think I can work for you any longer..."

Jake carefully pushed Sunghoon's hand away.


"I've made a big violation Director......
I fell in love..."

Sunghoon held his breath.

"You fell in love?"

"Yes... And it's someone from the company... Someone very close to me...."

"Secretary Jake—"

"I... I've thought about it... And now I've made up my mind..."

Jake slowly took steps backwards. When he can feel the doorknob on the back of his hand, he took all of his remaining courage to meet Sunghoon in the eye.

"I'll tell him about it and I won't be scared to know his answer... I wanted to talk to you privately because I wanted to keep this thing just between the two of us..."

"We did it Director.... The week next week is finally the runaway.... And I can't wait to see you get your spotlight..."

"But before that could happen... The designs will be back and let me inform you that I'm resigning..."

"What? Secretary Jake. Get back here.."

Jake shook his head. He stared at Sunghoon's face. Somehow, he knows it himself that he had memorized the details on the other man's face.

"I've committed mistakes but I think this is the worst..."

"As much as I don't want you to think about it, I believe you have the right to know..."

"Jake. I don't like where this conversation is going... Get back here..."

Sunghoon took two huge steps. He can almost reach Jake.

"You called me by my name again... You don't know how much that makes my heart race... Every single thing that you do... Whenever you pull me to those comforting arms... Whenever you whisper words of kindness... And whenever you look at me like that..."

"I love everything Director.... I'm loving everything about you..."

Jake already told himself not to cry but there goes his tears falling.

"I cannot stop myself... Before I knew it... I've already fallen hard...."

Sunghoon was now frozen on his place. He doesn't know which should he prioritize first.

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