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“Hey girls.” I looked up to see a heavily pregnant woman standing in front of my room with a cheeky smile.

“OH my god!” I jumped down the bed to give my sister a hug. “Sister Fatima, I’ve missed you so much.” I pulled away to look at her protruding belly. “Like seriously, why didn’t you tell me you were expecting?” I frowned.

“But you now know.” She said in a matter-of-fact with a shrug.

“I’m your one and only sister. I should have known.” I pouted.

“But you aren’t my one and only sister. I mean, if I could remember, I’ve still got two sisters.” She pulled my cheeks playfully.

We both turned to the sound of a throat being cleared. “Oh my bad, I’ve got seven sisters.” She corrected which earned her a nod from them. She cupped my cheeks. “I’m sorry for not telling you though. I wanted it to be a surprise.”
I knew immediately that Bashir was in a big trouble with his wife. He ruined her surprise and is definitely going to pay for it by maybe being thrown out of the room to find somewhere else to spend the night or something worse. That’s my sister for you. She doesn’t take to someone ruining her plans. She might seem harsh towards her husband, but I admire their relationship because they’re so much in love like when they first met. My sister is Bashir’s everything.

“Well,” I shrugged. “Your surprise was ruined.”

“Humph, that husband of mine must’ve said it, right? He’s never going to hear the end of it. He’ll suffer for defying me.” She spoke to herself, imagining how she’ll strangle him to death with her bare hands.

We all gasped with our mouths open. I turned to see Bashir not far from my room with his wide opened. I turned to see my friends looking back at me with eyes wide open. I tapped Fatima to get her attention and pointed at her husband who was trying to escape to avoid his wife. “I think he heard all what you said.” I whispered into her ear.

Tania clamped her mouth to stop herself from bursting into laughter. “He just ran off, Tch.” I said with my palm slapping my forehead. She gave me a devilish smile a pulled me towards her room. Before my dear brother-in-law could open the door, she clapped her hand to stop him from entering. He stopped abruptly and turned around slowly with a smile.

She turned to fully face him. “Hey husband, can you come help me to my room?” she said with her hands on her waist with a tired smile.

“Welcome my darling wife. Do I really need to help you? You seem fine to me.” He seem scared.

She suddenly scrunched her face in pain. “I’ve got cramps in my leg. Please come carry me to the room.” She stretched out her hands like a baby to him.

He sighed defeated and came to her, picked her up and walked to their room. I burst into laughter as soon as I heard his scream from inside the room. I already expected her.

“Okay, I want to hear what’s going on in that room.” Tasha said from behind me as she hurried to the door and placed her ear to listen in on them.

We all followed her and placed our ears on the door to also eavesdrop. ‘Ya Allah, sorry for doing this but I can’t miss this drama.’ I said silently.

The door suddenly flew open to see a scared Bashir trying to escape. He looked at us and hurried to stand behind us. “Please save me this once and I promise pay you five thousand.” He pleaded to me. I gave him a smirk and fold my hands.

“Don’t you dare, Junaina, rub my husband of his hard earned money.” Fatima said as she stepped out of her room, pointing at me and then faced her husband.

Junaina Where stories live. Discover now