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I heard the sound of my alarm go off which made me bolt out of bed. I rushed to the bathroom to brush my teeth and perform Wudu (ablution). After saying my Prayers, I walked downstairs to greet my parents.
“Good morning Dad”
My Dad looked at me from under his glasses rested on his nose and smile. “Good Morning Naina, how was your Night?”
“Fine, and yours?”
“It was fine” he turned to read his Qur’an.
I walked to the kitchen and saw my mum busy with preparing breakfast while still in her Hijab. I’m sure she still had prayers to do. “Maa, good morning.”
She turned and smiled. “Good morning dear. How was your night? Hope you slept well?”
“Yes mummy, I slept well. May I help you while you go continue with your prayers?” I offered.
“Don’t worry my dear. I’ll finish here. You go ahead. Hmm?”
“Maa come on. Just go.” I drawled as I collected the spoon from her and gently pushed her out of the kitchen.
“Okay fine. I’m going.” I watched as she left.
I moved closer to the cooker to continue what she started. Sometimes i just feel like my Mum is spoiling her children by doing all the kitchen work by herself. She needs to stop that or my sisters won’t know how to do anything.
As soon as I finished, I walked back upstairs and stopped by my sisters’ room. They love sleeping and might’ve not woken up for prayers. Unsurprisingly, I entered the room to see them sleeping. I jumped on the bed and shouted. “Fish!”
They bolted up at the same time startled. “Is father here?” Fareedah spoke as she looked around. I stifled my laughter as I stared at her.
“So you’re scared. Now I know you really are a Fish” Nafeesah chuckled and yawn. She rubbed at her eyes adorably.
Fareedah who was stretching her body stopped instantly and turned to face Nafeesah. “Wait, did you just call me a fish?” She charged towards her younger sister.
She stopped scratching her eyes and feigned ignorance. “Me? I don’t know what you’re talking about. I never called you a fish.” She moved to hide behind me.
Fareedah dragged her away and bounced on her and they started fighting.
“Hey you two! Will you stop?”  I shouted at them and they both stop for a moment and continued. I pushed them apart. “The two of you have to stop. Are you crazy?” They both pouted at me. I burst into laughter and pulled them in a hug. “You girls are funny. Don’t fight again.”
“Salamualaikum sweet sis.” Fareedah said.”
“Salamualaikum sister.” Nafeesah also greeted.
“Walaykum salaam to you two.” I replied.” Have you two prayed?”
“Yes.” They both said. I turned to where they do pray and saw the prayer mat still lying there and nodded.
“Sis, let’s go out today. Let’s go rock the best restaurant and malls today.” Fareedah said with a huge grin.
“Yes Reedah, you got it.” Nafeesah said.
I stared at them both. “No.” They pouted and looked at each other with evil smirks and turned to me with pillows in their hands. They bounced on me at once, hitting me with it. “Okay, Okay. Fine, we’ll go.” They both stopped at once with smiles.
“We love you sis Naina.”  They both pecked me on the cheeks excitedly.
“Love you too. Let me go check on the boys.” We all climbed down and walked out of the room to meet my brothers.
I have three brothers; an elder brother whom isn’t associating any us that much and two younger brothers who are so lovely and funny.
We walked into the room to see them sleeping except for my elder brother Kamal who is reading a prayer book on the couch. He was forced to stay in the same room with Khalil and Kadir as a punishment for just distancing himself from them.
“Salamualaikum bro Kamal.” He looked up at me and continued with reading before even replying.
“Walaykum Salam.”
I shook my head at him and walked to the bed to wake them up. I tapped them. “Sleepy heads, wake up.”
Kadir stirred and smiled. “Salam sis.”
“Salam big sis.” Khalil also said while rubbing at his eyes.
“Walaykum Salam boys. Hope you slept well?” I brushed at Kahlil’s hair while smiling at Kadir.
“I dreamt about you Sis Naina. It was a nice dream.” Khalil said happily.
I smiled at my adorable baby brother and cupped his cheeks. He’s the last and the funniest child of my family, and the one no one gets angry at no matter what he does. “Really? That’s nice. Have you both prayed?”
They both gasped and ran for the bathroom. My sisters greeted brother Kamaludeen who barely replied them and walked out of the room angrily.
“What’s even his deal? So grumpy. So annoying.” Fareedah said angrily. I frowned at her and she kept quiet. “Sorry, whatever.” She rolled her eyes
“Let’s go read the Qur’an. Mum always tell you all to read the Qur'an every morning but you still forget sometimes.” We walked out to go to their room.
When we were done reading, I left to my room to call my friends and wish them a good morning.

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