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I felt very happy to be in the presence of someone for the first time in my life and that's because she was special. I've been waiting for her all my life, for the one I'll see and fall in love with at sight. now, I never knew it'd come from my friend's in-laws. I always wanted a love marriage like my parents and now, by Allah's grace, I've found her. Only that just for the first day of meeting, I knew she was stubborn.

I saw how surprised she was when she got to know my relationship with her friends but I could see a hint of happiness. Could she be happy to know she'll be around me a lot? I couldn't wait for when I'll make her mine forever.

I've never felt like this before. She is so beautiful I couldn't keep my eyes from her most of the time especially when she smiles unaware. And that dimples, did it make me want to go insane. I knew she likes mine because her expression said it all.

i turned to the sound of her laughter as she ran down the stairs. I caught her hand before she could trip. She’s so clumsy. I felt this strange chemistry by touching her. I knew she felt it too and that's a good thing.

"You’ve got to be extra careful all the time." I frowned at her. I didn't want to see her hurt.

She nodded her head and pulled away, feeling embarrassed.

"Naina, tell me what you mean by revenge." Sami asked with frown.

"Did you tell her you were going to take a revenge on her?" she nodded which made me chuckle. "Okay." I whispered.
Sami looked at us suspiciously. "What are you guys up to?" she looked from Naina to me.

Naina shrugged, "You have to wait and see."

"Are you teaming up against me?"

"If you say so, then we are." I said, placing my hand unaware on Naina's shoulder. That gesture sent sparks flying between us which made her jump almost falling down. That didn't happen because I held her. "Sorry." I scratched my head nervously and pulled away from her with a sheepish smile. I could see her tainted cheeks and I pointed at it. "You’re blushing. Does that mean you're attracted to me?"

She looked at me wide eyed. "What? You wish."

"But you are blushing."

"And that doesn't mean I'm attracted to you. I don’t even like you. Allah forbids.” She said in denial.

Simbiat and Semiat gasped and looked at her in horror. “Junaina, how can you say Allah forbid and why will you say you don’t like him? You’re not Allah and I thought you’re the one who always tells us not to be negative. I’m so disappointed in you. Living in denial is such a bad thing.” Semiat shook her head and pulled her twinie away to their room.

I was sad at what Junaina said, but by just looking at her, I knew she didn’t mean it and I could see regret in her expression.
I cleared my throat with a forced smile. “Please, will you excuse me. I’ve got to make a call.” I walked away from her with a heavy sigh.

I didn’t know why I can be blunt sometimes. I have just made a big mistake by talking like that to a guest whom I just met.

I watched as he walked away with an obviously hurt look. I sighed and blamed my bluntness on the type of work I do.

I walked back to my room with a solemn look. I sighed as I noticed simbiat and semiat try to ignore me. I crawled to my bed and lie there, hugging my big bunny as I sulk. One thing I don’t like in my life is to say things that can hurt my family or friends’ feelings. And that’s what I just did.

Sami came close to me and sat by my side, soothing my back in comfort. “I’m so mad at you right now but I know you can be so blunt and it’s annoying. Is he sad?” I nodded my head with a pout. She sighed “It is okay, he’ll come around. I’m sure he understands.”

I sat up and looked at her. “God, so much has happened in just a day and the day is not yet even over and I’ve messed it up.”

“Naina, come and have your lunch.” My mum shouted from downstairs. I sighed and climbed down the bed to go eat. I
Tried as much as possible to avoid zayd for the rest of the day.


The next day, after offering my Salah (prayer), I went to the sitting room to read my Qur’an, next to my father.

“Salamualaykum daddy.” I greeted as I sat beside him, giving him a side hug.

He patted my back and smiled at me. “Walaykum Salam my dear. Hope you slept well?”

I nodded my head and picked up the extra Qur’an next to him and started reading.

I didn’t notice when my dad left me because all my attention was in my Qur’an and I also didn’t notice zayd staring at me from where he stood by the kitchen door. I got interrupted by the sound of Zayd’s phone ringing.

I looked up to see him smiling at me. “Good morning.” I greeted him and returned the Qur’an.

“Walaykumsalam Naina. How was your night?” he stood by the door with his hands folded on his chest.

How can he always look like a Greek god? And that smile of his is something else. I cleared my head of such thought and gave him a slight smile. “Alhamdulillah, it was good. I’m so sorry about yesterday. I didn’t mean what I said. I was just blunt and stupid.” I said, facing him.

He moved away from where he was resting and waved his hands. “No no no, don’t call yourself stupid. I know you didn’t mean what you said. It’s just that it hurt but its fine not hurt by what you said anymore. So, what plans do you have for today?”

I couldn’t help but smile. “Thanks for forgiving me. And I think I’ll take my sisters out. I was supposed to take them yesterday but because I had to pick you and my brother-in-law up, I had to postpone it.”

“Okay, thanks for yesterday.”

“It’s nothing.” He came closer to me and used his thumb to pull out my bottom lip from between my teeth.

“You shouldn’t do that. Don’t ruin your beautiful lips.” He winked and walked away, leaving me stunned.

I cupped my hot cheeks and hurried to my room with a smile. I closed the door and rested my forehead on the door with a shy grin.

I turned to the sound of someone clearing their throat. All my friends where sitting on my bed, staring at me like I had a horn growing on my head.

“What!?” I asked as I changed my expression and sat on the couch.

“You look like you’ve just been granted your first kiss.” Tania said with a smirk.

“Well, wipe that smirk off your face because you’re wrong.” I folded my hands.

“Then, what happened? Is it Zayd? Did he confess his feelings for you?”

“No!” I drawled.

Simbiat stood up and walked to the door.
“I’ll be right back.” She left the room, leaving us all bewildered.

Few minutes later, she came back looking shocked. She stood right in my face.

“What have you done to my brother? He’s smiling at his thumb. Did you bite it or gave it a massage?”

“I did nothing. Leave me alone and go find out from him. All I know is that I did nothing to him.”

They all started talking all at once about what could have happened which gave me cue to escape to meet my sisters.

Junaina Where stories live. Discover now