Ch.2: Mistake

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I fucked up.


I don't think I've ever fucked up as bad as I have now....

My first mistake was thinking that the Gods would just let me go. I was there "errand boy" after all....

I just thought they'd be smart enough to realize that I was doing all of that simply to amuse myself. And keep myself busy.

But I guess it was I who was foolish.

They saw my one weakness....


For they all feared me for my power.

My insatiable lust for carnage and misery.

And my seemingly endless insanity.

Not to mention my unknown origins....

Sure. I was the one thing they feared.

But that didn't stop them from seizing this one opportunity.

All it took was one mistake....

And this was it.

I had spun the wheel of reincarnation....

And this were the results:

Species~ Feline.

Race~ Common House Cat.

Personality~ Snuggle Bug.

Job/Title~.....The God of Snuggles....


I nearly died when I saw my results.

And the worst part is I can't change it cause I promised myself I wouldn't....

God my old body is gonna have a field day with this thing.

I kinda feel bad for my new self....

Especially since the Gods have started to move.

This body may be superior to them in every way....

But with it's personality and job class....

It might as well be a toddler with a gun compared to them.


Nothing I can do about it.

I guess it can't be helped.

All I can do is jump into this head on!

Besides! This'll be fun!

At least my boredom problem will be over for a bit!

I just hope those lazy bastards will just stay on their asses....

It'd be a pain if they did something unnecessary.

Oh! And before I forget! I just thought of a name for myself too!

You may simply call me....



~Official Start~

(Chaos's thoughts will stay the same, but his speech will sound different when he actually talks)

And it was like that, with a heavy heart, I pushed my way into my new body, sperating my soul, body, and consciousness. Splitting them apart expertly and placing life into my new body.

I guess I should give this body a new name as well....

I guess we can call it....

Fuck it, just call it Puck.

It was a HUGE change from my Old God form....

That's for sure.

It was just so small....

I took the form of a simple black housecat. Simple, no? But I couldn't change the color of my eyes at all.... Not matter how hard I tried, my usual black eyes with red slitted pupils that usually radiated with insanity, now radiated an air of purity and love that didn't match their demonic appearan-....

Oh fuck.

I knew this would happen....

A sudden high pitched laugh rings out throughout Puck's skull, sounding like a mix between a hyena's laugh and a little girl's scream.

It sounded unhinged and just.... Wrong.

It made your skin crawl just hearing it.

Oh shit! Is that what I sounded like to people?!

No wonder why people always tended to avoid me unless it was absolutely necessary....

Before he could finish his thought, the laughing suddenly stops. Being replaced by a eery silence that he didn't notice until something else filled the void in his mind.

And before he knew it.... His new body suddenly began to gain small red cracks all over it's fur. It was barely noticeable.... At first.

Shit! How could I be so careless?! That bastards already trying to get out!

....Did I just call myself a bastard?

Fuck it! There's no time to think about that! I have to contain this before he breaks out! Or worse.... Takes over our new body! That would defeat the whole point!

So with that thought in mind, he began to concentrate the last controllable strands of his old God energy to create seals at certain parts of his new body. Mainly around his ankles/paws and neck, completely halting the spreading of the cracks....

For now at least.

This didn't seem to make Chaos happy if the low growl was anything to go by.

Puck let's out a small sigh of relief, smirking at his success....

Only for something to happen that completely froze his new body to it's core....

His old body....


"Soon little kitten.... Soon~!"

It's voice would come out in a sweet, yet sickening, coo. As if it were trying to lull him into a false sense of security.

But he knew better than to trust himself....

So with that settled with and him trying to regain control of his currently shaking new body....

Puck set out for the realm of mortals.

To carry out what his new body craved for....



End Ch.2~

Next up, Ch.3: Trouble

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