Ch.1: New Beginning

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I don't know where to begin....

So I'll simply start from the beginning.

Hello! My name.... Well.... It's not important at the moment.

All you need to know is that I'm a God.

An Old God to be exact....

Or I used to be....

Okay I probably confused you there. Let me start over....

Long story short, I used to me the Old God of Insanity, Instability, and Absurdity. A being that thrived off the misery of others and internal conflict that anyone has had one time or another.

My job was to.... Well.... I didn't really have one. I simply went about doing whatever I wanted without a care in the world.

I mean.... Why would I care about anything?

I existed before there was anything to even care about....

I didn't care then.... So why should I now?


The answer to that question is quite simple actually.


Don't let my calm demeanor at the moment fool you, I'm honestly seething just at the mere thought of living my life the way the "others" wanted me to.

And my "others", I mean the other Old Gods and constellations that you mortals call "God" of your various religions.

Which I personally don't see the point of, especially since these so called "Old Gods" came into being much later than me, along with those asshole constellations....

But we're getting off track.

So you see, when these beings came into existence and discovered.... Well.... Me.... They immediately labeled me an "anomaly" that shouldn't exist, despite the clear fact that I was born WAY before they or even the universe came into being!

That's one of the many reasons why I'm insane!

Loneliness and boredom will do that to ya!


Fuck I'm rambling again....

Back to the main point, after their faze of trying to get rid of me, they finally decided to just slap a random bullshit title on me and named me an Old God!

Like I even need a title like that!

And to make matters worse they started to dump all their tedious jobs onto me!

Not like I complained though....

Gave me something to do....

But none of that is the reason why I'm doing this....

You see....

With me doing all the dirty work....

The Old Gods and constellations started to get lazy!

Wanting me to do all tedious and boring shit they were just too lazy to do!

Like cleaning their armors!

Or polishing their weapons!

Nah! To hell with that!

Fighting demons and destroying dying/doomed dimensions is fine and fun!

But fucking THAT shit is where I draw the damn line!

Sure I could kill them all....

But that would leave to the laws of the universe and all of it's inhabitants in my hands....

And I'm way too busy/lazy for that shit!

I got my own shit to do!

So I did what I had to!

I fucking quit!

It's not like my job's that important anyway!

Hell! I didn't even want the damn thing!

So I left!

I left everything.... Well mostly everything....

Okay I packed up all my shit into a interdimensional storage box and left the realm of the gods in search of something else to cure my boredom!

I made a new immortal body that not even the Gods themselves could rival and sealed my TRUE body and powers inside of it! I also made a new consciousness for for this body!

It'd practically be an entirely different being altogether!

But our souls are one and the same.

Think of it as sort of a Naruto/Kyuubi thing, except we're literally the same person sharing the same soul.

Complicated, I know, but you'll get used to it!


I lied.

I'm not even used to it yet!

Sure it might lead to a few problems, especially when my old body regains consciousness and begins to to terrorize my new body like a demon possessing it host....

But common! I'm sure that won't happen~!

Now here comes the fun part!

Choosing my race, new title/job, and personality!

And I have the perfect way of doing so!

I believe you mortals call it a....


Funny name for an object, but oh well!

Let's give this puppy a spin!



I think I fucked up....


End Ch.1.

New Chapter: Mistake!

The first two chapters aren't really to be taken seriously.

The One Who Is LostOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora