emo peppa x reader

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It was a normal day in peppas house, daddy pig sleeping, George playing with Mr.Dinosaur, mommy pig doing work on the computer, and Peppa.. well.. she is in her bedroom, um listening to metal, very loudly

Mommy pig bursts into her room "PEPPA, TURN DOWN THIS MUSIC IMMEDIATELY!" Peppa rolls her eyes in annoyance"ugh fine" she turns it down. Then mommy pig leaves. "I don't want to stay at home, I'm leaving" Peppa said as she opened her window. She stared at the ground as she was on the second floor. "I don't know if I can Do this..." Then she remembered that she had a ladder! She quickly got it and escaped her bedroom.


Peppa was wondering around the streets looking for something entertaining when she saw someone with beautiful (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes.
She stood in awe looking at the mysterious person.

"Hey there" the mysterious person said. They were also emo to! They had fishnet leggings, and platform boots. "Hello, I'm Peppa.", Peppa said. " I'm
y/n, nice to meet you Peppa." Y/n said.


I was walking around when I met some emo named Peppa. "I see you are also emo " I said hoping she said yes "yes, I am. I'm on my way to hot topic, do you want to come with me?"
I thought she would never ask. " Yeah" I responded.


Peppa had finally found a hot emo babe. They went to hot topic together and got a bunch of emo stuff. They went to a MCR concert and got some merch. Peppa then said goodbye to her hot emo babe y/n and went snuck back home.

As Peppa was slowly opening the house door, she stopped as she saw George playing with Mr dinosaur. She knew he would snitch on him. She then went to the back of her house and found the ladder she got out on. Peppa took the ladder and got back in her bedroom without anyone seeing.

Peppa had the best day ever that day. Soon her and y/n would start dating. But everything soon took a turn.


i was so excited today because me and y/n had bought tickets to go to an MCR concert. She said she would meet me here but I can't see her. I waited, and waited, and waited. Still no y/n. I looked around when I saw her on the stage!?!?!?!?

She then got pulled backstage. I ran up there and went backstage to where I saw y/n, kissing one of the MCR  members. I was furious. "I-its not what it looks like Peppa!" She said as she quickly backed away.

"I can't believe you did this." I said. My eyes turned a flaming red while my pitch black wings came out and my teeth grew sharp. I had shorter hair  and I wore an elegant black dress. I turned into a alpha demon hybrid.

"P-p-please forgive me Peppa!"


I first took out the MCR band member I took him and banged his head against the wall causing it to explode epicly. I then went up to y/n. "I never though I would have to do this.." I spoke I glared at her so hard fire started coming out of my eyes and burned her head off. I ran away after that.

Never to be seen again.

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