Chapter Forty Three: Red Part 1

Start from the beginning

My friends looked at me. "A lot has happened. Si. I have sisters now. I have a brother and a mother and a father. Signor Tancredi is my father. Vienna is my mother. This is Verna and Viola-"

"And you're Vittoria!" Tati noted. She is really drunk.

"I'll take this one to bed before she embarrasses herself." Yuki offered.

"I'll help." Lettie got up. "That was Yuki and Tati. I'm Lettie. It's great to meet you both. Excuse me." She ran off.

Viola and Verna sat on either of my side. Viola took my hand. "Bloody hell, it's beautiful! Is it insured? Such things need to be insured."

"In case it's stolen?" I asked. I folded my hand into a fist at once. If I lose this, I'll disappear too.

"Yes. Don't you know there are thieves who live for this caliber of jewelry? Don't wear it everyday. Wear it when it's really special!" Verna advised me.

"Wear it all the time. Don't let the fear of it getting stolen deter you." Viola touched my cheek. "We are taking off. I left my kids and my husband unattended. She has an unforgiving boss who wants her back at work. Thank you so much for including us."

I took both of their hands and squeezed. "Thank you for sharing the moment with me. Let's see each other soon?"

"Yes, definitely." Vern agreed.

"I would like that. Verna, why don't you go ahead? I'll catch up in a bit." She left us.

"What is it? You look worried." I noted.

"Mom was here."

"She was?" I asked and sat up a little straighter.

"In the background. Even Vicar was there. They left immediately after Marcelle proposed. Vittoria, I under that you have a lot of reasons to be angry with her. By all means, don't go easy on her. However, dint shut her out from the big moment that is happening in your life. I made that mistake. I was so mad at her that I iced her out of my wedding and I wish I could go back and change that. Personal differences will always be settled. But... moments like this happen once. That is why I brought her along and I'll bring her to your wedding even if you don't invite her."

"Thank you Viola. I am still upset. However, I agree. He won't be proposing again. I'm happy you brought her. I will... speak to her soon."

"That's lovely." She kissed the side of my head. "Have a great night baby sister and I'm happy for you. There's nowhere but up from here. Enjoy it."

"Good night." It took me a moment to release her hand.

She spoke to someone on her way. I saw him approach with a smile on his face. "Marcelle."

"Vee." He drew me into his arms. "Playing hide and seek?"

I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Not yet. Will you count or shall I count?"

"I'll count. You hide." He suggested.

"I have a gift for you. Count to one hundred and then come to the bedroom."

"One... Two... Three..."

I ran up the stairs quickly. I know he will not count to one hundred and I do not have enough time. I got into the shower very quickly. I let the hot water wash over me for a few seconds. I hurried out and dried myself quickly. My hair is a little wet! I can't blow dry it. I rubbed a towel through and threw it aside. I dumped the contents of the bag I packed separately on the bathroom floor, picking out some sweet smelling lotions and oils. I rubbed them over my skin frantically. Dio! The door!

I ran to it and locked it. This way he won't catch me unprepared.

I stared at the red thing Maia helped me pick out. I dint even understand it! What goes where? I spoke in rapid Italian while trying to wear it. I struggled into it while wondering what the point is if he will take it off! But he likes these things! I hate these things! They are uncomfortable!

I succeeded with my heart racing because of the rush. I picked the red shoes to match. I put on a red silk robe. I ran my hand through my make up bag and ended up pouring everything in the sink. I picked the red lipstick and started applying it only for a knick to startle me. It slipped and made a red mark on my cheek.


Dio! He's here.

I used a towel to wipe the mess and did it again, this time mire carefully. I have no time do the make up. I let my hair down and messed it up a bit. My eyes are wide. I'm panicking.

"Relax... breathe. Relax. Breathe." I told myself.

I left the bathroom and closed the door to hide the mess. He hates messes. In my hurry to get to the door I tripped and fell flat on my face.

I started laughing at myself. I must look mad. I got up quickly. I dimmed the light to make it look romantic. No. Candles! Si! Candles!

"Per favore... un momento!" I told him.

"Are you okay?" He asked from the other side of the door.

"Si! Si!" I answered and searched for the lighter. I started arranging the candles quickly. I lit them one after another and gave up on the ones that are close to the bed. Dio! I'm so nervous I'll burn the bed. I looked at everything before I fixed myself up and opened the door. "Ciao mio amor."

He entered the room and closed the door behind him. "Well..." He looked me over without a word. "...okay."

I like the sly look in his eyes.

"Do you like?" I asked him.

"I love." He smiled. His hand slipped into the silk robe settling  on the small of my back, goat against my skin. He pulled me closer to him. His other hand gently pushed the robe off my shoulder. It slipped off entirely, sitting on the floor. "Yes. I love." He looked me over. "You look absolutely beautiful Vittoria."

"Grazi signor. Can I call you Signor?" I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I want you to call me Marcelle. There will be a to evito call me signor."

"Marcelle..." I bit the lower part of his ear. He groaned deeply as his fingers sank into my waist through the thin strappy lingerie.

He nestled my hair into his hand and crashed his hot lips on mine. I know the things that excite him. I want him to be excited. I entertained his kiss, matching him at every turn until we pulled away completely breathless.  With my hair still strapped around his fist he pulled me closer. "Do t torment me. I'm not going to be a gentleman tonight. Per favore... don't torment me."

I took a moment to look into his dark eyes. I pulled free from him, choosing to move back, close to the bed. His eyes took me in,from my red shoes to my eyes.

"What if I'm not tormenting you? What if I have decided to do as you asked? What if I want you to make love to me right now? Will you do it?"

He stalked towards me slowly but full of intention. I am already dripping wet. I'm ready. I'm ready for it right now.

"Yes, I'll do it. I have been ready to make love to you from the moment I set my eyes on you. No more games. No more uncertainty. Ni more torture Vee. Let me make love to you."

"Si. Make love to me." I told him. "Per favore, make love to me." 

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