Chapter Forty Two: Unexpected

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"Thank you." We buckled up. "Do you get where I'm coming from?"

"If he refuses to vacate the seat, I'll shoot him myself." He told me with a serious face. "I promise."

I would hate it if it comes to that. Matt and I headed down a dark path and there are days I still wonder if I would have recovered from executing him. If dad didn't stop me, would I have been able to live with myself? I wouldn't want Juan and Gian to go down that road. Juan wants the power. Gian may taste it and like it too much.

"I trust you and I will hold you responsible if anything goes wrong."

"Si jefe."

Ibiza was a place Reina always talked about.

I have been to many places. Having two parents who are both CEOs meant we travelled a lot. They could afford it. We have been almost everywhere. But I have lived in six  places. Marseille, Manhattan, Seville, Rome, Sicily and now Napa Valley. Reina used to talk about living in Ibiza. I wasn't up to it because unlike her, I'm not into beach parties and a night life.

She made her dream come true. She bought that house facing the beach. She lives the life she always wanted.

"Good morning." I greeted her.

My first wife was hot, in a classy way. She loved clothes and shoes, fittingly so, she was a model. She got a lot of attention from men but it wasn't her fault. She was drop dead gorgeous.

My ex wife is hot. She's sexy and she can get trashy if she wants to. Classy is really not her way. Of all the St Patrick girls, Renée is the only one who has mastered the sexy that is classy. Charle is a tomboy. Laila has the kind of innocence that takes sexy off the table. But Renée... let's just say Reli did a great job. Back to Reina, she can be loose. She flirts at every turn. Sometimes I don't think she even knows she's doing it. Decency is not a word in her vocabulary. She used to swim topless without caring if her son's would see her or the servants or bodyguards. I lost that battle. I used to hate it when she did that. She is liberal, too liberal.

I can confidently keep my eyes on hers and not her bare chest. I think I love Vee's more. If Vee walked around topless -something that will never happen because she's Crazy conservative- I would stare.

"Ola papi." She wrapped her arms around my neck.

My first wife had pretty blue eyes. My ex has playful chartreuse colored eyes. My soon to be wife has brown eyes. There's nothing eventful about the color but the warmth is unforgettable.

I pried her hands off and picked up a robe. "Cover yourself. We need to talk."

"I still affect you? If you want to fuck, I won't tell."

"I don't see you like that anymore." Her smile turned upside down. I walked into the house.

It took her a moment before she followed. She's wearing the rob but it's open.

"What do ya u want to talk about papi?"

"There's not a single photograph of the kids. Why not?"

"I'm not a sentimental fool." She answered. "What do you wa t to talk about. Make it fast." She snapped her fingers at me.

"I know that you're fucking Diego Fernandez. I know you are putting stupid ideas into his head, telling him he can have Vee."

"Aha...  so you came to talk about your child bride?" She asked me.

"I came to talk about what will happen to you if anything happens to Vee."

"If she vanished off the face of the earth, I wouldn't care. So stop wasting my time. My business with Diego is none of yours. Unless you're jealous. I'll be open to a threesome."

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