CHAPTER 80: Think You're Immortal?

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Justin's P.O.V

I didn't know what to do. Grabbing all the courage I could muster, I threw him a punch. He made way for it as if he had seen it in slow motion. I tried a couple more times but each time, I missed.

On my last try, he grabbed my wrist and took off into the sky. He was so fast, the wind kept slapping my face every time I dared to look up. By the time he stopped, I supposed we were in the stratosphere—it was extremely laborious trying to breathe up there.

That was when he freed my hand. He most probably thought I was going to fall but I didn't. I just levitated in front of him. Next time, get your info right, freak, I whispered to myself.

"So you're a flier? Great. Let's see what else you can do." At that, he gave me a stunning blow on my face which threw me miles away. I don't know why but my force field decided not to work when I needed it the most. Was he insusceptible to magic? It was just ...

I wiped the warm blood that graced my face from my busted, mangled lips. Up here was almost as cold as the North Pole and I wanted to get the hell away as quickly as I could. Well, not before disfiguring this son-of-a-gun.

I stared intensely at the blood on my right index finger that had almost solidified before looking up at him. "All this just for a drop of blood," I said feeling like some all-powerful superhero.

My heart bowed for his exceptional power, telling me that I'd already lost but my mind wasn't ready to buy it.

Immediately, I flew towards him with all the energy and speed I had left in me. He just moved aside like I was nothing but a whiff of air. To his disappointment, before regaining my balance, I gave him a hard nudge with my knee, right in his guts involuntarily.

Hitting the stupid confidence out of him felt so good but before I even had the chance to bask in my awesomeness, I got interrupted by myself. I landed a kick on his groin area. They were unusually stoic.

Now, fortunately, my eyes were glowing red and I couldn't control myself. My alter ego had finally taken me over once again. It had been so long it felt nice to finally leave my body on auto-pilot mode.

He was so passive in this fight. I got enraged and delivered a punch so fast, he didn't see it coming. The punch threw him down to earth. I followed him with successive, merciless punches, increasing his velocity after each and every one.

He finally landed through a roof and onto the hard ground embellishing it with massive cracks and a dent. We had landed in a residential bungalow on the outskirts by all indications. I stood beside a large bed with Chestnut-eyes in his dent.

The room was pitch black until a bulb that filled the room with blinding white light was turned on. A little girl with blonde hair tied in a ponytail who was lying in the bed wasted no time screaming at the top of her voice in horror.

In less than a second, I grabbed Chestnut-eyes by the suit and flew through the hole his large body had fallen through.

About the incident with the little girl, I didn't mind at all. These casualties were bound to happen. I just hoped the little girl wouldn't remember my face and try describing me to the police. I wasn't in any mood to have the cops on my tail, monitoring my every move.

Even after the grave impact of his fall, Chestnut-eyes still regained himself in no time. It was weird with a touch of annoyance. Now, we were in the sky again.

He tried to punch me and I watched his fist approaching me slowly. This time, instead of ducking, I caught it. Now it was me catching fists, not him. We head-butted each other at the same time, the impact making us repel each other like some kind of magnets. And somehow, luckily, my head wasn't hurt.

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