Chapter 1: Rivendell

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Dear Diary,

I can't really explain what has happened this past day.

All I can really say is that it has been chaos.

But here is a brief explanation;

Everyone I love is gone.


Scott flipped onto his belly and kicked the covers off his legs with a flap of his wings. As he rolled of the bed and stood up, stretching and flexing his stiff, white wings, a scream echoes through the palace. Xornoth, who had been asleep in the bed opposite his twin, sprang up, hovering a few centimeters above the floor. "What was that?" The brothers chorused.

As they spoke, their assistant, Lauren, flew into the room. "Your highnesses!" She gasped. "The champions have been found dead in the throne room." She bowed her head. "I am sorry."

Scott grasped his brother's arm. "Father's been killed?!"

Lauren nodded. "It appears King Helindor and Princess Marline have killed each other."

Xornoth gaped at Lauren. "Aunt Marline killed our father?" He gazed at his brother. "Mother's on her own." Scott's heart wrenched.

Lauren's eyes grew wider. "But, my princes, it gets worse." She paused. "If the champions of the Great Stags are gone, there will be new ones."

Xornoth stood tall. "Lead us to Queen Snowebreeze." He said. Lauren complied and led the shaking boys down the hallway to the throne room, where their mother, Snowebreeze, kneeled beside the bodies of her sister and husband, fat tears streaking her makeup, surrounded by guards and servants whose heads were also bowed in mourning; not just from the dismay at their king and princess' deaths, but also at the notion that one of their own children may end up as they did.

Once she spotted her sons, she stood up, her great blue wings folded tightly to her sides. "My sons. My sister, Princess Marline, the champion of Aeor, has been killed and killed my husband, your father, King Helindor, the champion of Exor." In her hands, she held their aunt and father's antlers. "Tonight, new champions will be chosen. I suggest you stay in you room to prepare for the ceremony. We shall bury your aunt and father later tomorrow." She dismissed them.

Racing as fast as his feet could carry him, the teen arrived at the flight platform. Scott flew up to the roof.

He had thinking to do.


Scott flew down to the ceremonial grounds, his flight faltering. As he landed roughly beside his remaining family, gazing over the citizens of Rivendell, his mother stepped forward and spoke. "My dear subjects." She said, her voice loud and commanding. "As you may have heard, we have lost our champions." She paused. "The new champions will now be chosen from our ranks." She placed the two pairs of antlers on the Altar. "Remember, no matter who is chosen by the Great Stags, we will appreciate them as they are." As the whole kingdom held it's breath, the antlers began glowing and vanished. A collective gasp rose above the empire.

A comfortable weight settled on Scott's head.

He looked at Xornoth, who had his hands clasping the horns on his head, fear flaming through his gaze. But he was to ecstatic to care. He was Aeor's champion.

Aeor's champion.


As soon as the ceremony ended, he flew off to stretch his wings. As he did, he silently praised Aeor for choosing him, his fluffy, white wings flowing atop the soft breeze keeping him afloat. As he circled over the enchanting tower, he thought he heard a scream. He swooped over to the throne room landing.

What he saw inside made his heart freeze.

Xornoth, his beloved brother, was standing over their mother Snowebreeze's dying body, a long, black sickle in his hand, the queen's crown on the floor. "XORNOTH!!" Scott cried, plunging towards his brother, landing opposite him, crouching by his fallen mother's body. "Why?" He asked shakily, taking the body into his arms.

Xornoth looked down at him pityingly. "Poor, poor Scott." He snarled. "You found sweet mama's corpse. Too bad, I was hoping to be long gone before you got here." He shrugged. "Oh, well. I'll get my way eventually." Xornoth's eyes were dazed, and his voice was ragged. Before Scott could react, he flew off.

Scott turned back to his gasping mother, tears singing his bright blue eyes. "My dear son." She rasped, blood pooling at the corners of her mouth. "I'm sorry I'm leaving you so early. I thought I'd be able to watch you grow into an amazing king, and lead this empire to greatness beyond imagination. But such fantasies don't always remain. Just remember that my loves carries through your feathers, even when I am not near."

Scott wiped his eyes. "My love carries through your feathers, even when I am not near." He repeated, closing his eyes as Snowebreeze's final breath flew from her lips and her eyes fluttered shut.

Scott picked up the crown of his departed queen in both hands, and with a sickening feeling, flew back up to the landing. What he saw in the kingdom tore him to shreds.

This was how Scott, the 13-year-old king of Rivendell, witnessed the great massacre.

Bodies were everywhere he looked, blood pooling in the streets of his home. He flew over the damage, watching as the few survivors gathered to grieve their fallen friends. As he swooped around a bend, his heart shattered.

Before him was the body of Lauren, his best friend. He landed beside her, not caring about the villagers crowding around him. He shook her shoulders very gently, his wings shivering with fear.

Suddenly, with a cough, Lauren's eyes fluttered open. She wheezed and tried to sit up. "S-Scott?" She whispered. He looked at her, his face flushed and a sense of relief bubbling up.


"Scott, I'll be fine. Just, check on the queen."

Scott shook his head numbly. "The queen more, I'm afraid. I am Rivendell's sole ruler." He wiped his eyes and stood, allowing his commanding gaze to pass over them. "My dear citizens. We must be strong. We will hold a funeral for everyone alongside the royal family. Yes," He said, addressing the horrified looks of the people, "Queen Snowebreeze is gone." He turned to tend to Lauren.

"And Xornoth?" She whispered hoarsely. "What of the prince? Was he also killed?"

"Xornoth?"His eyes hardened. "He is wanted."

A collective gasp flew through the crowd.

"Wanted," Scott continued, "for treason and the murder of both the Queen and the many people of Rivendell." His voice hitched on the edge of his words, and he paused to grip the ruby pendant around his neck; the one Xornoth had given him for their tenth birthday. "We cannot let this affect us. We must reach out to those nearby and plead for their aid. I know it's un-elf-like, but at this point, I am willing to forsake out policies." He turned and signaled to a pair of Royal Rivendell Guard to help Lauren.

As Lauren was carried back to the castle, his eyes flared. "Don't come near Rivendell or it's citizens."

"Or prepare to feel the cold."

Scott turned and re-entered the castle and sat down at his mother's desk. 'My desk.' He thought miserably. He picked up a piece of paper, preparing it for writing. Bracing himself, he put his wing in front of him and plucked a feather from his wing. He hissed in pain and dipped the plume into the ink and began.

'Dear Lauren,

My dear old friend, I have a mission for you.'


So now I'm the lone ruler of Rivendell, at age thirteen. I miss my family.

I miss Xornoth.

If you ever see this, Xornoth....

I love you.

Be safe. 


Hello everyone, and welcome!! I hope you all enjoy this. I'm very nervous, but my main priority is your enjoyment. 

Have a good evening/morning!

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