EP 2

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    Murasakibara was moving his hand towards Kuroko, but he didn't crush him like he said. He instead started petting the shorter boy's head.

    "As if. I'm just kidding." Murasakibara said with a playful smile as he continued to pet him. 

    Kuroko looked angry, he didn't like to be treated like a child. He was a second away of slapping his hand away from his head, but something happened before he could.

    Another hand came and grabbed Murasakibara's left wrist. Murasakibara looked at the person, curiously.

    "Oh my god, Tetsuya! Look! His hand really is bigger than your entire face, now! Look, look!" (Y/N) said excitedly as she held Murasakibara's hand out, making the others feel weird at her strange intervention. How could she be excited by that? The huge boy was scary, not exciting!

    "Oh? (Y/N)-chin! You're here, too. How come?" he asked as the girl let go of his hand and he petted her head just like he did to Kuroko.

    "I'm in Seirin, as well." She explained shortly and Murasakibara smiled.

    "Eeeh, is that so?" he asked, his voice dragging.

    The others were looking at the interaction between the three. The big guy really looked like he was happy to see them.

    Himuro turned towards Murasakibara.

    "I thought you wouldn't come." Himuro said to the purple haired giant.

    "Actually, it's your fault for changing our meeting place at the last second." Murasakibara said, his voice dragging, but the annoyance was perceptible. "I only came here because you said you wanted to go sightseeing around Tokyo since you just came back to Japan." He said as he opened a new bag of chips. "But you're playing street ball." He continued as he took a bite from a potato chip. Himuro smiled at him.

    "Sorry, sorry." He apologized. "They said they were down a player, and it sounded like fun." Himuro explained.

    Furihata and Fukuda started talking.

    "Wait, you're from Yosen High? That school participated in the Inter-High!" Furihata said surprised.

    "What? Then that means this guy also played?" Fukuda asked, referring to Murasakibara. The tall boy turned towards them.

    "No, I didn't play." He said, bored as he kept eating his chips. (Y/N) and the others looked a bit surprised.

    "Why not?" she asked and Murasakibara turned to her.

    "I don't know. The only reason I didn't play was because Aka-chin told me not to." He explained and (Y/N)'s (E/C) eyes turned to the ground in thought.

    "Who's Aka-chin?" Furihata asked.

    "It's Akashi-kun. The former captain of the Generation of Miracles." Kuroko quickly explained, his eyes serious.

    A bit of a tense silence was made until Murasakibara spoke again. He turned towards Himuro.

    "Ah, I forgot. Muro-chin, we're not allowed to play in unofficial games. That's why I came here to stop you." He said to the dark haired boy.

    "Is that so? What a shame." He said a bit disappointed he wasn't going to play against Kagami. Murasakibara grabbed his shoulder and made him start walking away. "Let's go, then." He said and they both started walking.

    Kagami didn't want them to leave, he wanted to go against them in a match. He couldn't stay quiet when he had a member of the Generation of Miracles right in front of him. He grabbed Murasakibara's shoulder and stopped him.

The Trump Card - Kuroko no Basket Season 2 (Akashi x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon