Chapter 33 - Conflicts

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Kokomi's POV


 What just happened?

 I never thought Kazuha would do something like that.

 "I take it that he didn't like that?"

 "Who in Teyvat told you that he would?"

 "The shrine maidens."


 "They said it would improve our relationship."

 Oh, dear archons!

 It was the group from yesterday, wasn't it?

 But still. Kazuha should have known-

 "Kazuha, have you ever had a partner? And I mean romantically."

 "Romantically? Are you asking whether I had ever been in a relationship?"

 "Yes. Have you?"

 "No, never."

 And that's where the problem lies.


 On one hand, I've got a clueless and innocent guy with the lowest EQ I've ever seen, and on the other, I've got someone who was so shocked that they disappeared.

 This is really not my strong suit.

 "Kazuha... Kissing is something you do once you are already in a relationship."

 "I know."

 "Then why-"

 "I told that to your shrine maides too, but they said it should be fine and that this is a special case."

 "And you believed them?"

 "They weren't lying. I'm quite sure of that." Kazuha said, scratching his head.

 From his expression, he's starting to get the problem here.

 "Your friend obviously didn't think so."

 "I know."

 "You probably shocked him quite a lot."

 "I know. But..."


 What else could there be?

 "That was..." He spoke so softly I couldn't hear him.

 "Would you mind repeating that? I couldn't hear it properly."

 "That was quite pleasant."

 "The kiss?"

 "Do you think I would do it twice if it weren't?!"

 At this point, his face was as red as an apple.

 Oh, dear. This one has a crush.

 It took a while for Kazuha to calm down.

 "So you like him?"

 "What's there not to like? He's kind, patient and he's very, and I mean extremely, honest." He chuckled after the last one.

 Why do I feel like we are talking about two different people here?

 During the time I talked to him in private, though he kept his cool, I could feel his annoyance seeping through. As for patience...

 "He's also very-" His words cut off halfway and Kazuha was once again blushing.

 "He's very what?"

 "Very handsome." Kazuha mumbled barely audibly.

 Don't tell me Kazuha is weak against pretty faces.

 "Do you think he'll come back anytime soon?" He asked hopefully.

 "It depends. He probably needs to calm down and have some time to think. I would give him a few days. You can't really go anywhere anyway."


 I almost couldn't help but pet him on the head. He looked like an abandoned puppy.

 At that moment, I saw his eyes light up.

 "Do you have a large open space without people?"

 "There is a cave northeast of here-"

 "Thank you!"

 He immediately jumped up and ran out the door.

 What got into him?

 For the next few days, not only did Kunikuzushi not return, even Kazuha wasn't seen much.

 He only came back for his meals and to sleep. Otherwise, he was always away.

 Not that I wasn't happy. After a day or two, it became quite obvious what he was doing.

 Every once in a while, a group of tied-up nobushi or treasure hoarders would appear at the front door. It didn't take a genius to figure out who left them there.

 It wasn't until a whole week later that Kunikuzushi returned. 

 Scaramouche's POV


 What am I supposed to do now?

 In the past week, I had a lot of time to think and a conclusion I reached was...

 I couldn't reach a conclusion!

 I have never been in a situation like this. Who in their right mind would kiss someone like me?!

 And twice at that!

 Well, Kazuha isn't exactly in his right mind...

 But still, fuck, what should I do?!

 If I was in his place, I would kill the other guy the moment my memories returned to erase all the shame.

 I doubt he would try to kill me, and even if he did, he's very unlikely to succeed, but...


 Damn it!

 The worst thing is that-


 That kiss wasn't that bad...


 I must be out of my mind!

 "One day you'll fall in love too, Scara. I wonder how you'll react then. Hahahaha!"

 Damn it!

 That idiot Tartaglia!

 How dare he put that kind of nonsense in my head?!

 It's impossible for me to...

 Fall in love...


 I should just pick him up and get out of this damn place the moment the storm stops.

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