Chapter 29 - Danger

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3rd person POV

 Kazuha froze.


 Because he saw something. He felt something.

 Something approached them at a fast speed.

 There's no way to dodge.

 The wind was still too strong. If they stepped away from here, they might end up worse than if they didn't.

 There was no way for him to stop the wind fast enough either.

 'The wind might stop it.' He thought for a second but instantly denied it.

 At that speed, it won't.

 Within just a few seconds, he made a decision.

 He grabbed Scaramouche and with a pull, he switched their places so his own back would be the one facing the incoming object.

 Scaramouch wasn't given the time to react to this sudden change when he heard a groan.



 "It's...fine.They...were...aiming...for you. I'm missed...the heart..." As soon as he finished those words he passed out, falling into Scaramouche's embrace, as the winds dispersed along with his fading consciousness.

 "Kazuha! What the hell happened-"

 Only then did Scaramouch discover the growing patch of blood on Kazuha's back.


 I didn't see it. I didn't hear it. And I couldn't sense it either.

 Just what could have-

 It didn't take long for him to figure out what caused the wound.

 Bullet wound. From a pyroslinger's gun to be precise.

 At this moment, Scaramouch was feeling a lot of mixed emotions. 

 Shock. Anger. Guilt. And above all else, worry.

 Scaramouche's POV

 What the hell am I supposed to do in this situation?

 If it was me, it would have healed in no time. I probably wouldn't even have passed out.

 But then again...

 I looked down at his wound, remembering the last words he said before passing out.

 "They were aiming for you. I'm shorter so it missed the heart."

 Those damn bastards!

 "...kid. Kunikuzushi!"

 "What?!" I snapped, only to come face to face with Raiden Makoto.

 I really didn't need her around right now.

 "Calm down a bit and listen to me. Take Kazuha and bring him to Watatsumi Island. There should be at least one healer in the Sangonomiya clan that can heal him."

 Healer. Right healer! But...

 "I think their best healer would love to see me killed though."

 "That doesn't really matter at the moment. Besides, unless they are a god or someone closely connected to one, they wouldn't be able to recognize you."

 Wouldn't be able to recognize...

 Ah, the spirits! I completely forgot about that.

 But there was still one problem.

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