Chapter 25 - To forget and see

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 Scaramouche's POV

 "So when is he going to wake up?"

 "I'm not even sure what exactly happened to him. How should I know when he'll wake up?"

 "If you don't even know this much, what's the use of being a god?"

 "I feel like you're severely overestimation gods, Kuni."

 "How many times have I told you not to call me that?!"

 "Eleven times, to be exact, though you probably didn't actually want to know that."


 This damn-

 She's really pissing me off!

 If I ever meat that damn God of Time again, I'll be sure to-

 "Taking your frustration out on Istaroth won't work, you know. She probably doesn't even remember what she did."


 She just has to go and ruin it, huh?

 "Is it even me that you're annoyed at, or is it the fact that you took off his clothes so naturally a moment ago?"

 "I did not-"

 "Yes, you did."

 "Was I supposed to leave him in those torn-up clothes he was wearing?"

 "That's not what I meant, it's just very unlike you. I wonder why you're being kind to someone who clearly tried to kill you not so long ago."


 That's what I want to know too!

 I didn't even realize that I had changed his clothes until she pointed it out.

 Fuck! What's wrong with me?!

 "Hmm." A soft sound came from behind us.

 "I think he might be waking up."

 Just moments after her voice fell, Kazuha opened his eyes.


 For a good minute, we just stared at each other.

 "Who are you?"

 "What the hell?"

 We spoke at the same time.

 "Oh, dear! So that's where it went." Raiden Makoto exclaimed.

 Just moments ago when I had taken off his torn clothes, the emblem that Istaroth had made disappeared.

 Just looking at the fact that she said that we couldn't take it off like that I had my doubts when I couldn't find it anywhere, yet that annoyance of a god was still around, but...

 I never would have thought that something like this would happen.

 I was looking at Kazuha's eyes. The right one was still red as usual, but the left one...

 His left eye was purple.

 "Hmm. This might be problematic if my sister sees it." She murmured from the side, but I had another problem to deal with.

 "Who the hell are you?" Kazuha asked again.

 "Who am I?" What's wrong with him?

 "Who are you and what the hell are you doing in my room?" 

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