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Zeph's POV

The device whirred to life, beating the crap out of the eggs in the bowl. He watched with curiosity as the volume increased and the yellow colour became lighter.

Lara sprinkled some sugar over it and continued swirling the beater in the mixture.

There was a clear sign of serenity on Lara's face. Her face was tension free, her hair caught up in a bun, the loose strands tucked behind her ear.

As she dumped more ingredients into the mixture, she started humming softly. He creased his eyebrows. The tune was familiar. As if he'd heard it all his life.

"Are you singing the song I sang to Tom?" he asked, leaning against the counter.

Her eyes widened and she pursed her lips. "I didn't realize."

"Well I'm glad you liked it."

She whisked the now-dark-brown mixture before starting to chop up some chocolates.

"Want some?" She held her hand forward, a piece of chocolate resting on her palm.

He picked it up and tossed it in his mouth. She bit her upper lip.

The sweet yet slightly bitter goodness melted in his mouth.

"Have you ever had chocolate before?" She busied herself behind the counter again.

"Of course, I have. This is not my first visit to earth, you know?"

He had been on earth multiple times before mainly to visit Diyan but also because 'the order of the world' was to be handed to him. He surely knew a few more thinks about earth than the next spirit.

"Makes sense. You did say you were looking up contests online." She poured the batter in a pan. While pressing come buttons on the oven, she muttered something.

"Sorry?" He moved his head closer to her.

"Umm, nothing."

She strode to the sink and started scrubbing a bowl.

"C'mon, I want to hear what you were saying!" He moved closer to her.

She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, getting foamy soap on it. "I was wondering if your temperature fluctuates."

He tilted his head to the side. "Could you elaborate?"

"I mean, you were cold the other day and warm today. So, I was wondering how different your specie really is," she explained, scrubbing a pan furiously.

"Oh, you could've just asked! I was in my spirit form the other day. Today, you said we'd eat so I am in my human form. You see, we can't really taste in our spirit form," he explained.

"Wow. That's interesting. You didn't mind my asking?" She glanced to her side briefly before starting to scrub again.

"No! I'm so excited that you want to know about my stuff. We can both teach each other cool stuff about our worlds." He grinned as she gave him a smile.

"So you are shape shifters?"

"That's one way to put it since we can become animals too."

Zeph lived for the smile that stretched across her face. His body felt lighter and brighter.

"What's so funny?" He couldn't resist the grin.

"I just pictured you as a golden retriever or a little sparrow." She gestured the small size for good measure. "So fluffy!"

She let out a soft giggle. His world brightened up. It felt better than flying, better than having control of all air of all the worlds.

"Wanna see a cool trick?"

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