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Lara's POV

Nothing made sense.

Lara didn't limp when going to the bathroom. Her ankle felt almost as good as new. The doctor had told her the pain would be there for a few days at least.

She would say that she was dreaming last night but her Google search history said otherwise. Was she truly hallucinating? The reaction she remembered having didn't sound much like her.

Why had she felt so calm? If someone had told her a few years ago she'd be hallucinating, she'd bet all her money that it'd be negative thoughts personified. But the hallucination was anything but. He was so nice. So positive. Something told her his smile would be beautiful.

She shook her head. Why was she romanticizing hallucinations? It wasn't good that her mind needed to conjure someone up to comfort her.

A part of her wondered what would happen if she didn't get it treated. Uncle Matt would surely want to pay for that if he knew. But he shouldn't be spending any more on hospitals, at least.

The hallucination was nice, didn't seem like it had a bad impact on her. She might as well keep him!

She shook her head again, as if it'd clear her head.

A knock came from the other side of the door and Haley peeked in.

"How are you feeling?" She offered Lara a smile and placed the plate of pancakes on her bedside table. "Mom had an urgent meeting so I made them. They're not as good as yours but they're fine."

Lara took the plate and cut into it. "I'm sorry you had to."

"C'mon, don't be silly!" Haley sat down at the edge of the bed.

Lara took a bite. They were a little dense, could use a tad more sugar but not bad at all. "They're good." She smiled at Haley.

"I was thinking what to do on Monday. I've a test that I can't miss." Haley bit her lip.

Lara bowed her head. "You don't have to miss school for me. I'm not a kid! Plus, I think I'll go on Monday."

Haley's eyes widened. "The doctor told you to take a leave. The world won't be turned upside down if you miss a few days. I'll make sure you can catch up."

"Maybe I was misdiagnosed. See." Lara kept the plate aside, getting to the edge of the bed and carefully stood up. Lara didn't even flinch. "I'll be even better with some more rest."

Haley eyed her warily. "At least, take some time off work."

The noon rolled by as Lara finished her homework. A ping drew her attention to her phone. Her eyes widened as she checked the message.

She had completely forgotten she was supposed to watch over Mrs. Willow's son. She would be out in a couple hours. There was no way she would find a babysitter before that.

Lara put on a blue top with jeans and climbed down the stairs. She found Haley working on a big chart paper in the living room.

"I'm going out," Lara said without stopping.

"What?" Haley's muffled voice reached Lara who was trying her best to escape. Haley's footsteps resounded on the wooden floor. "What do you mean? You can't go out!"

She stopped in front of Lara who was putting on her shoes.

"I forgot to cancel it. If I don't go she won't find anyone else to babysit."

Haley bit her lip. "Who are you babysitting?"

"Tom," said Lara, turning to open the door.

"That one's a handful. Wish I could help you but I have to prepare for a programme," Haley's tone was apologetic.

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