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"No," Zachar cut Zeph off. "We need to talk."

Zeph raised an eyebrow.

"Diyan, lead your guests out," he commanded.

"Yes, Dad." With that, he slipped out of the room.

Zachar's eyes zeroed in on Zeph. "Come with me."

He led Zeph to the corridor outside and stopped at an angle where he could still see inside the room.

"What's the problem with calling a healer?" Zeph asked, leaning against the wall, looking at Lara.

"She needs to go to the hospital. We can't just heal her. You know the rules."

"What rules? She's my mate! Did you not catch that?" He was getting on Zeph's nerves. It had taken him ages to find her again and here he was wasting his time. "Those stupid rules don't apply here."

Zachar gritted his teeth. "Zephyr, do you know the current situation of the world? About the protests?"

He nodded. He knew spirits on earth were rallying for something again but it didn't really concern him. "How is that relevant?"

Zachar sighed. "The protests are getting dangerous. Spirits are getting aggressive. They are defying laws. It's not safe for you to openly date her."

Something exploded inside Zeph. His core started pulsing wildly. He turned to look at Lara. She was fidgeting with her hands, looking outside the window. He couldn't leave her. He couldn't just give up on his chance at love. He couldn't give up on her.

"I'm not leaving her again," he said sternly, standing up taller.

"Let me rephrase. If the protestors find out the Aero Prince has a human mate, they'll hunt her. They won't care she isn't involved. It's all about proving a point to them. Would you like to endanger her like that?" Zachar's eyes pierced through Zeph's. A shiver ran down his spine.

"Then we'll protect her! Find a way to make this work. There have been protests before. They've been taken care of," he said, trying to sound confident but his insides were squirming. He couldn't bear the thought of losing her.

"Protecting her from every passerby? Would she even approve of that? We'd have to micromanage her life and yet that may not be enough." Zachar's voice was sharp, cutting through his defences.

"There has to be a way," he whispered.

"Being a royal is a huge responsibility, Zephyr. You're supposed to inherit the order of this world. Your mate would be the first target. She is powerless, untrained, vulnerable. We have to prioritize her safety. Just wait it out until the unrest can be resolved. Then, you can handle your mateship." His voice grew kinder, the sharp tone dulling a little.

"How do we know they're that desperate?"

"They tried to burn down an official's house today."

The cold words silenced Zeph. He couldn't agree but he couldn't disagree either. He couldn't bear the thought of being away from her. But seeing her harmed? That seemed to tear him to shreds. He had to protect her. Even if at the price of his happiness.

"I'll wait then."

"Good. We'll have to erase her memory." He started walking towards the room but Zeph stepped in front of him. Before Zeph could say anything, he added, "Moon spirits are everywhere. I don't suppose they'd like her thinking about you."

Damn Moon spirits and their mind reading abilities!

"I'll tell Xervon to do it." He sidestepped Zeph.

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