Coming home and apologies

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Todoroki pov

It has been 2 days since bakugou went to the hospital and we can finally see him! I was so excited and Aizawa said I could bring two(2) other people. So I decided I would bring. Kaminari and kirishima. 

We get to the hospital and Aizawa walks up to the front desk and asks the lady "Um can you please tell me which room Katsuki Bakugou is in?" "Yes I can. "She looks at her computer for a second types something and looks back at us "room 126." She says as we all nod and walk off.

'In room 126'

I walk through the door first and see my little flower. As soon as he sees me he practically jumps for joy but doesn't move to much because of the IV.

"Todo!!" "Hi baby" I chuckle a little at his excitement. Kirishima and Kaminari walk in. "Hey baku-bro how are you feeling?" Kirishima says in his usual peppy tone "Hey kiri I am doing better." Suki says. I set down on the foot of his bed as a conversation pops up.

'An hour later'No ones pov

The doctor comes in and sees all of us. "Got some gests Katsuki?" The doc says as he let's out a little laugh. "Ya are you here to take my blood again?" "Sadly yes. And also someone donated some blood this morning that we can use for you so you can go home by 7-8 night." "Ok so when do you put the blood in?" "In about an 1 hour." "Ok" Bakugou says as the doctor takes the blood and walks off and out the door.

"Alright then that means we have to go in about 15 minutes." Aizawa announces to the four. "What! Why?!" Kaminari whines "Ya mister Aizawa the doc said the blood thingy is in a hour!" Kirishima whines too. "1. You have school tomorrow. 2. The doctor will need to get bakugou ready and 3. visiting hours are almost over." Aizawa said in a stern voice. A few whines came from the red and yellow haired boys but they said their goodbye and walked out to give Todoroki and bakugo some privacy.

"Hey baby if you need me at all just call me and I will fine out a way to get here and when you get home we will have a little sleep over with the class. How dose that sound?" Todoroki explains. "Ya that sounds lovely and I promise I will call you if I need anything." Bakugou responses. With that todoroki gives bakugou a kiss says his goodbyes and walks out the door.

-40 minutes later after the four leave-

"Hey katsuki did your gests leave?" The doctor says as he comes in with a cart with blood packs and a few other things. "Ya Mister. Aizawa said they need to go because you will need to get me ready for the blood transfer." "Well let get this started so you can go home later." The doctor says. "Will their be needles involved?" Bakugou asks. "No. No needles this time. I will just hook up the blood pack to your IV." "Oh ok." Bakugou says as the doctor gets to work.

-10 minutes later-

"Ok the bag is in and ready to go. So when this is empty you can leave. Also there will be someone come in here about every 30 minutes and make sure there's no blood clots." The doctor says. Bakugou nods and the doc leaves.

Bakugou decides to go to sleep.

-Back with todoroki-

Todoroki,Kaminari and kirishima had got back about 20 minutes ago and kirishima and Kaminari went to hang out with the baku-squad and tell them about the sleepover. Todoroki goes to his group and tell them about it. "Hey guys. Suki gets back today. And me and Kaminari and kiri are thinking that we could have a sleepover with the class Would you like to go?" "Thank you for telling us Todoroki We would be happy to join you." Iida says. Sue nods. "Ok well it will be at 6:30 tomorrow. Alright!" Todoroki says starting to leave.

Todoroki gose to the kitchen to make a grocery list and a snack. He gets done with the list and starts to make a snack. When deku comes in. "H-hey Todoroki can I talk to you for a minute..?" Deku asks. "Fine. What is it?" Todoroki says in a stern tone. "" Deku trys to form words but he just stumbles over them.

"Midoriya." Is all Todoroki says and he finds the right words. "Can I go to your sleepover for Kacchan. I know I have been a asshole and I'm sorry really sorry can you forgive me please.  And I promise not to cause trouble I promise." Deku says looking at the dou haired boy with hopeful eyes. "If you says anything rude you will leave. But you can join...if bakugou says it's ok." "Thank you so much." Deku says and walks off.

Todoroki finished his snack and gose to his room. He looks at the digital clock on his night stand. '7:37. It is almost to pick up suki.'

-15 minutes later

"Todoroki are you ready to go?" Aizawa asks "Ya." The dou haired boy said with a smile. "Good. Then lets go."

The two got to the hospital ready to pick up the angry pomeranian of class 1-A. They went inside to see the same receptionist that was there this afternoon. "Hello ma'am in am here to pick up katsuki bakugou from room 126." "Ok Name please." "Shota Aizawa and Shoto Todoroki." "Ok you can head back their the doctor should be getting him ready to go." The lady said and the two walk off.

Is doesn't take long for them to get to bakugous room. They get to the door. Todoroki nocks and the door opens to the doctor. "Hi are you here to pick katsuki up?" "Yes" "Ok then come on in." The doctor says with a wide smile on his face. They walk to and bakugou is standing in yoga pants and a t-shirt.

"Hey todo." "Hey baby. You ready to go home?" "Ya. I'm tired." Bakugou says in a sleepy tone. "Ok you can take him home. But for the next few weeks he will have to come in to make sure the blood is not reacting badly." "Ok sir". The three leave the hospital and go home. When they get there they say bye to aizawa and go to their dorm.

"You ready to go to sleep bub?" Todoroki asks the sleepy blonde. Bakugou nods and lays down. Todoroki gets behind bakugou and falls asleep aswell.


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