The sleepover that goes wrong

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The day of the sleepover. Todoroki was out of town with his family on spring break but Bakugou was stuck at the dorms. He still had Kaminari if something goes wrong. Right?

Bakugou was packing his bag for this weekend. He was going to Kirishimas house for a sleepover with Kaminari,Mina,Sero and Deku, Suki was not excited but just in case he had took a little bag with a paci,mask,sippy and a stuffed bunny that he could fit in his other bag that he was taking.

As the group got to the house Mina said in a excited tone "Are you excited BakuBabe?" "Ya sure." Bakugou says in a rudish tone. Deku was not going to deal with Bakugou this weekend so he immediately says in a harsh manner "Kacchan can you be nice for once in your life!"

Kaminari looked at Bakugou not faced like this happen before? Bakugou just looked at Deku then looked away. For the rest of the way was silence until we got to the red head household. "Hey guys how are you!" Kirishima said in a childish manner that made most on the group laugh under ther breath. After they all got settled in the living room Kirishima turned on a movie.

After the movie was over the group decided it was getting a little to late so the group one by one slowly starts to go asleep.

Kaminari wakes up to Bakugou making breakfast. "Hey Kacchan how are you this morning?" "Good I guess" Bakugou says before he hears  yelling from the living room. Kirishima and Mina was playing video games and Deku and Sero where talking about hero training. "Hey guys I made breakfast." Bakugou says stopping the video games and conversation and the four go to the kitchen to see Kaminari already eating.

The four sets down to start eating. While Bakugou goes to do the dishes " Baku-Bro you gonna eat?"Kirishima says with a little of concern in his voice "not hungry."Bakugou says not looking up from what he was doing

They all continue eating except Bakugou who haven't ate any thing in 2 days. Until kirishima told Kaminari. "KATSUKI BAKUGOU!" Kaminari yelled suki flinched at the yelling "You need to go eat something now. Even if it is a snack." Kami says with a serious voice

Bakugou eats a bag of chips but not 20 minutes later he gets sick."ha Kacchan you finally not yelling! idiot you can't even hold down a bag of chips. " Deku says rudly

Bakugou runs off without a word and out the door. "Bro that was not manly." Kirishima says with anger clear as day in his voice

Kaminari went after Bakugou grabbing Sukis small bag with his little stuff. When he finally found the boy he was not to deep in headset but far enough that Kami got out the blondes mask and paci. He put the pacifier in sukis mouth and a mask over it.

The duo get back to the sleep over and see deku yelling at Kirishima for God's know reason. Bakugou flinched at the yelling and hid behind Kaminari. Kaminari walked bakugou up stairs to where the rest for the group where.

"Hey guys can you watch Bakugou for a minute?" Kaminari says trying not to yell at the idiots downstairs who are scaring Suki. "Ya but why do we need to watch him, he is 16?" Mina says kindly "Well Kacchan has age regression. But you can't tell him I told you!" Kaminari says looking at the ground the up at them

"Sure" the group says with laughter right after

Kaminari left suki with the rest and walks downstairs to only see Kirishima crying but still kinda yelling and Deku full on screaming at him

"WHAT THE FUCK DEKU! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" Kaminari yelled with anger clear on his face. Kaminari walks over to Izuku Midoriya and smacks his right across the face with out one thought."YOU STUPID BICTH ASS MOTHERFUCKER!" Deku yelling as he raises his arm up about to hit the blondish yellowish haired boy until there is yelling from the staircase

"DEKU I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU HIT HIM I WILL KILL YOU!!" Bakugou yells out of headset. Bakugou walks down to where Deku is and Kaminari. Kirishima is told to go up stairs with the rest. "Kacchan who do you think you are yelling like that?" Deku says with a smart ass tone. "Shut the fuck up before I nock the shit out of you." Bakugou says in a very serious voice

Deku gets tired of listening to this so called  'bitch' he does something no one would ever think to do.

Note read: ok so it is know summer break so I will be posting a alot more but after the 4th chapter I will be writing like two chapters and the publishing them
What does deku do well we will find out in chapter 4
Btw the day is Saturday it the book
Thank you for all the support

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