The fight

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You need you read the 3 chapter to understand

"What the fuck did you says Katsuki!" Deku says in a very hateful tone as he says that the green haired boy picks the blonde up by his collar of his shirt.

"Deku I-i was right y-you are a-a bastered!" Bakugou says slightly choking

"YOU STUPID BICTH!" Deku yells throwing Bakugou down to the ground and then kicking him with 8% of his quirk. "AH YOU BICTH!" Bakugou yells pain clear in his voice.

This goes on for at least 2-5 minutes the yelling,hitting and cussing. Deku leaving Bakugou with brushes forming and a headache.

But right before Suki passes out a strong furious yell comes from the doorway

"DEKU WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING! KIRISHIMA TEXTED ME SAYING THAT YOU WHERE HURTING MY SUKI!!"Todoroki yells Deku looking quickly and to see a very angry Todoroki who you can literally see the smoke of his from the anger.

Todoroki walks over and tells a very unsure what to do Kaminari to go up stairs.

Todo puts the very hurt blonde behind his back and soon says "Now.... WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU HITING MY BOYFRIEND!" "BECAUSE HE IS A STUPID BICTH HOW NEVER HAS TO WORK FOR ANYTHING HE GETS!" Deku yells

Bakugou hears this and soon says "what? I don't have to work for  anything? I had to work to do everything the reason why I bullied you for so long was because I- was scared that my b-best friend who wanted to be a h-hero so bad would get h-hurt. But but you got basically handed a quirk! So deku to all I have been through trying to protect you. Being abused,bullied,yelled at, damn it even being r-raped all just to protect you from harm!" Bakugou says with tears in his eyes.

Todoroki shocked and as well as deku. Bakugou grabs all of his stuff and walks out Todoroki soon follows the boy.

At the dorms
As soon as Bakugou gets to his room and he immediately plops down on his bad and all while Todoroki is walking in and siting on the bed taking a seat next to the blonde.

"Baby you ok?" Todoroki asks with worry all over his face

"No" Suki says starting to cry but before he does he walks over to his closet a pulls out a paci and plops jn his mouth. Todoroki also walks over to his blonde haired boyfriend and picks him up and set him on the bed. "Do you feel small?" Roki asks

"Mhm" baby Suki hums to small for words "ok baby how old are you right now?" Todoroki asks happy that after the stressful day Bakugou will willingly fall in to little space. Bakugou just looks blankly and the duo haired boy. Todoroki then realized that Bakugou was probably to young to speak.

Todoroki decides to go over to Bakugous wardrobe and pick a pastel rainbow colored onesie and he looks at the time [8:52] and he decides to grab a diaper and walk over to bakugous bed to see a smiling,innocent Suki

Todoroki changes Bakugou into the outfit and todo goes to get a sippy with chocolate milk. Leaving Katsuki with some of his toys on the playmat. Todoroki got back and took a seat next to the mentality younger boy and started to play with him. After about a  1 hour or 2 Todoroki decides it is time for bed

He lays Bakugou down on the bed and crawls up next to him. Todoroki looks over to see a sleeping bakugou. Asleep beside him soon Todoroki falls asleep as well.

Author note:

Hey guys I know I said since it was summer break I will be posting more and I will but my mental health has taken a down blow and I also have 2 other books to write (btw they are both mha) I am going to take like a week break but then again I might change my mind idk but then again I love this chapter and love the support ty
Words: 717

Ok sorry I just realized that I posted this early before I was done so if you saw that sorry 😅

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