Little chef

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"Ok so I need a bowl. To put all of the ingredients in. Can you get that for me?" Sato says looking at that slightly shorter beside him. "Yewp!" Bakugou starts to look around for one " Whewr is it?" Bakugou asks concern in his eyes "Oh its ok buddy it is that cabinet." Sato says pointing at the cabinet beside the fridge.

Bakugou goes and grabs it and brings it back to Sato who already has the flower,milk,eggs,butter and water. He also has the cupcakes pan.

"Ok can you put the flower in the bowl for me?"Sato says

"Cawn ywu hewp mwe?" Bakugou asks trying his best to make sure Sato can understand him. "Ya buddy!" Sato says only semi understanded him.

Sato helps suki put the flower and the rest of the ingredients in the bowl and stir it. Sato puts the mixture in the cupcake pan and put it in the oven.

'25-30 minutes later'

"Is it duwe?" The little boy asks

"Yep! I just have to put the frosting on them. Why don't you go tell Todoroki." Sato says to the slightly shorter male "Who is Todowoki?" Bakugou asks very confused about who is Todoroki.
Sato laughed at the comment "I meant todo." Sato said still laughing the blonde boy looked at the laughing teen for a minute but then ran to get his caregiver.

"Sho! Sho! The cuwpcakes arw dowe!" Bakugou says very excited about eating cupcakes. "Ok baby. I am coming." Todoroki laugh and starts to head to the kitchen with the blonde boy.

When the two boys got to the kitchen Sato was already done putting the frosting on the cupcakes.

So the three end the day with eating cupcakes that a surten blonde haired boy was very proud of.

Author note:
Hey this is just a short chapter. Next chapter some one is going to figure out that bakugou is a little but who will it be? 🤔

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