"You okay, Kat?" He asked, shooting me a concerned frown.

I nodded, grinning. "Absolutely perfect," I replied. "You were right. Coming here did give me a great idea for Wayward."

His frown transformed into a smile to match my own. "That's great." His eyes jumped to somewhere beyond me. "Excuse me, Kat, I have to talk to someone. I'll be back in a bit."

He disappeared into the mingling crowd. As soon as I couldn't see him anymore, someone else appeared beside me.

A young woman with honey-blonde hair and warm brown eyes. She had changed a lot since the last time I saw her, growing tall and slender, but she was absolutely the same Abigail I had grown up with.

With a squeal, she wrapped me in a bear hug. "Katherine!" She gasped. "You're here!"

I laughed. "A little too late, I guess," I said. "I've been in Alabama over a month now."

She grinned, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Doesn't matter. It's just nice to see you. There's so much we haven't caught up on."

Abigail went on to talk about the past seven odd years since I'd last seen her. She hadn't been around to see my relationship with Nick, and if she knew how we ended, she didn't let on. After her dad died, she'd moved in with her mom until she graduated high school. By that point, Matthew was living on his own and he took her in.

"No wonder his house looks so nice," I teased. "You decorated it."

Abigail shook her head. "Oh no, Matthew wouldn't let me touch anything." She rolled her eyes. "And when you were coming, even less. Everything has to be just so."

I laughed to hide the flush of warmth that went over me at the mention of the effort Matthew went to to prepare for me. "I'm sure he wasn't expecting to have to house my brother, either."

She shrugged. "He's had the space for a few years now. Thought he'd use it, but things never worked out with Kim."

I desperately wanted to ask who Kim was, but Abigail went on. She was her usual, unreserved self, and it didn't surprise me if she would spill it eventually.

She turned the conversation, however, to me, with a pointed question: "Are you dating Matthew?"

"I—no," I sputtered. "Why do you ask?"

I flushed. Could she see that I was interested in him? Crap, I really need to get it under control or I was going to make a fool of myself. Especially if there's someone else that has taken Matthew's fancy.... Like Kim... whoever she is.

Abigail's eyes went wide, her cheeks pinking. "Crap, I've meddled too much." Her gaze focused on something behind me and I turned to catch Matthew deep in conversation with a woman with short, red hair.

Kim, most likely.

I spun back to Abigail. "Don't worry," I said, giving her the most sincere smile I could muster. "I won't tell Matt what you said."

With that, I excused myself and went back to the car. I drove back to Matt's house in a blur and sat in the car. How could I have been so stupid as to think that he would notice me? I'm a mess, a throw-away. He doesn't want to have to be with a girl who is caught up in so much drama, first with her ex-fiancé and then with her vindictive grandfather behind her back.

I went into the house and up to my room. There, I forced myself to refocus on my idea for Wayward. Tomorrow, the Committee is having a meeting on Wayward's advertising efforts—it would be the best opportunity to present my idea on short notice.

* * *

The next morning, I left before anyone was up and went to Wayward. In my office, I transferred my crazy notes into a presentable document and printed it. The secretary, Stephanie, poked her head in to bring me coffee and a bagel for breakfast.

Remember Me? (Book 1) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now