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Harry's Pov.

the sun shone on his face as he woke to loud chattering, he vaguely remembered taking blaise to the twin's shop to stop his pessimistic thoughts, they ended up drinking more than they thought and barely making it back. draco was chatting with parkinson about something he couldn't hear and theo was in a corner drinking some tea. he yawned and looked outside, the sun was hanging low already. "what time is it?" he groaned, wondering just how long he had slept for. "it's 5pm, bout time you woke up" draco chuckled, "You let me sleep for that long?" his eyes widened in disbelief. "you were tired" he shrugged, standing up and stretching. 

 he watched as draco gave him vial, "the potions ready,we were just waiting on you to wake" he smiled, harry took the potion. he eyed the room, everyone was nervous and could barely contain themselves. "on the count of three" harry prompted.

" 1 "

they brought the bottle to their lips

" 2 "

harry could taste it on his tongue

" 3 " 

 they all tipped the drink back together, a bright flash taking over.

harry groaned at how cold his surrounding were, he opened his eyes and the world was covered in snow. he was back in his body and a groan beside him made him realize that draco was too, "shit it's so cold" he shivered, pushing his head out of the snow and seeing everyone else regain consciousness. theo and blaise were standing already, stretching and helping parkinson stand. 

"shit my head hurts like hell" the blonde sighed.

draco's breathing fell short and he started to cough, his pale face was covered in black markings. "fuck! theo what's going on?" he shouted, barely able to breath. he coughed again but this time blood came with it.

the boy rushed to his side, eyes glowing blue as he scanned. "i thought we had more time, shit harry i need you to go inside his head" 

harry nodded, focusing his magic on the task. he was relieved to find himself in the dark forest-like room. it was shaking, books of memories falling off their shelves. find him. his physical concensice in in there. you have to wake him up harry theos voice echoed around him.

he looked around, running across the room and searching everywhere for draco. harry saw a ball of vines, it wrapped around a curled up figure. 

"draco?" harry called out, the blonde boy looked up from his place, eyes filled with jet black ink. he didn't answer, just kept muttering to himself, black liquid dripping from his paled lips. "can you hear me?" he spoke softly, careful not to startle him. a thick black vine wrapped around his waist and pulled him back. "theo! i found him but i can't reach him!" harry shouted for the other boy, there should be a memory somewhere, the brighter the cover the happier it is. distract him with it and try to pull him out the door. his soul is collapsing in on itself. 

harry knew what book he was talking about, the green cover was shining beautifully at his feet. he opened the pages and placed it in front of him. 

draco looked up in awe as the memories played out, his black eyes changing into a silver again. harry carefully and quickly scooped the boy up in his arms and rushed out the door before another bookcase could crash into them again. he woke up beside draco who was back to his natural paleness. his breath steadied and eased, "we've got to get him to madam pomfrey" harry sighed, carrying the blonde in his arms. 

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