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Dracos Pov.

 he tried his damn hardest, he smiled. tears were rolling down his face he wanted to scream, to break everything, to burn the place to the ground but before he could, he felt palm on his shoulder. "draco" the figure spoke. it finally hit him. he didn't know where he was, draco stood, heart pounding in his chest. "where am i?" he called out to anyone who'd answer. silence greeted him almost like an old friend. the place around him began to freeze over, ice enshrouding the walls. the figure from before appeared, tall and dark. light began to shine on it and he shook in fear at the sight. it was him

the clone was paler than him, bleeding from it's limbs. "draco."

"what do you want!?" he shouted, the figure smiled, sadistically. "you're worthless" it insulted, "you're disgusting. you should have died" 

draco was unfazed, his heart sank a little but he wasn't bothered. "i know" he muttered before being woken by pansy. she shook him and swiped at his eyes. he groaned at the light that his eyes, swatting her arms away. "what time is it?" he yawned, she hugged him tightly, knocking the air out of him. "shit draco you scared me! you were shaking" she pulled away and looking in the eyes. 

"sorry, just a bad dream." he muttered, everyone else was asleep except for theo who was sat by calli as he drank a mug of pumpkin juice. "i've made you some tea, come on" she sat him beside her and the other boy. 

draco sipped on the cup and looked as potter was curled up on the couch sleeping beside blaise, he seemed to want the boy to wake, to look into his tired eyes and see their forest like beauty. 

pansy wiggled her brows before poking him in the side, "oh you've got it bad for him don't you?" she giggled. theo choked on his juice, coughing and heaving for air, draco cast a clearing spell on him and he took a deep breath. "you fancy potter?" he whispered, a smile overtaking him. draco blushed, rolling his eyes and nodding. 

"want me to scan him and see if he likes you back?" he offered, to others the idea of theo doing something like this was foreign but draco knew him enough to figure out he was just as chaotic as pansy. "you can do that?" draco chirped, he grinned and turned to the boy. his eyes glowed a bright blue for a second, "i was able to do it on blaise and pansy, but it won't let me in with him" theo's eyes went back to normal as he pouted, angry for not being able to fuel his obsession with romance.

"you looked inside my head?" pansy growled, hitting him upside the head. "sorry! i got curious" he dodged her second attack, falling off the couch and onto the ground. "it's 7 in the morning, shut up" blaise groaned,  yawning and adjusting his eyes to the brightness. theo popped up from the ground excitedly. "draco fancies harry!" he whispered to blaise and the other boy gave him a shocked look, "that's great! what colour theme are you thinking for the wedding?" he asked, theo seemed to agree, looking to draco for his answer. "Wedding? blaise i don't even think he's into blokes!"draco groaned exasperatedly, potter had dated weaslette for a while, he only found out the ended it after he helped arthur weasley with his father's paperwork, the man let slip that they seemed happier after breaking up with each other.

"he is, the scan shows more than you think" theo piped up, the boy twitched in his sleep and everyone fell silent as they thought he woke. he held in his breath, trying not to hope. but something inside him wanted him to hope, it needed to feel the pureness of love. "really?" he whispered, hope in his words. 

"yeah, and i bet my left nut he likes you" theo crossed his arms and puffed his chest, draco rolled his eyes at the bet. "fine then, i guess i'll be one nut richer" he played along. theo smiled. 

potter stirred awake, yawning and eyeing the group weirdly as they looked at him like deer in headlights. they fell silent and stared. "did something happen?" he squeaked, nervous at their sudden quietness. blaise broke the silence and pansy winked at draco. "no, we were just debating what quidditch position was the best!" the lie fell through his lips so easily draco wondered how many times he'd lied to them. potter seemed excited at the subject "obviously seeker" draco nodded in agreement, they all argued for a bit before deciding to play a game and pass some time. "truth or dare?" theo suggested, pansy shook her head, they played it too many times and it was getting boring. "just truths" she declared, draco had only played it once at a party and he had enjoyed it, "with a twist" she grinned, summoning bottles of whiskey and shot glasses, "each time you refuse to answer you have to take a shot" 

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