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A/N: Tell me if i made any mistakes in the chapter i'd really love to hear some feedback! i tried to make it as interesting as possible, im kind of bad at mysteries lol.

Harry's Pov-

malfoy was still in utter shock as harry and him swerved across halls and rushing up stairs he tried his best to explain on the way and thank the gods for malfoys quick mind, he was able to understand most of it. "hold on so you, a 12 year old child, fought and killed one of the most dangerous creatures with the help of a bird, a hat, and two of your friends?" the slytherin quickly set out the entire adventure in a few words, it sounded rather dumb now that harry was hearing it from someone else. 

"yeah, not much thinking was done" he was overcame by a wave of nostalgia, harry didn't miss the life threatening adventures but he did miss spending time with his friends, hermione and ron hadn't come back for the eighth year due to their jobs. hermione was working as an assistant for the minister while ron was at auror training. ginny had come back and it was the only sense of normalcy he had, after the break up things seemed a bit more fun. the pressure of war made the mind do dangerous things, in harry and ginny's instance it made them mistake comfort with love.

harry found the sink that lead to the chamber, "well? how do we get in?" malfoy looked at the parseltongue  inscribing on the sink and scrunched his face up in confusion. "open" harry hissed, it felt natural to speak in parseltongue. he often spoke to himself in the language when he got bored, letting himself melt in the peacefulness of it. the sink opened up, the creaking of tiles and stone followed. the large opening released a gust of cold air. "forgot you could do that" malfoy muttered, voice shaking. he shrugged "this is the way" harry sat on the edge of the hole and let himself drop. luckily he floated before hitting the ground, avoiding the pain. harry waited for malfoy but he never came,  "come on! it's safe!" he ushered for malfoy to follow, the boy was hesitant but quickly warmed up, falling on his back. "you can float" harry chuckled, the slytherin grunted and stood "shut up" he grumbled. harry forgot how large the chamber was as they neared it. the body of the creature still remained, he was glad that the basilisk was under a preserving spell. malfoy kept a safe distance between him and the snake, "it's not going to hurt you, malfoy" 

"i'll just watch from here thanks" he shook, paling at the creepy aura of the room. harry was surprised at the boys refusal to near it. " i thought slytherins liked snakes? isn't there a family of pythons living in your common room?" harry chuckled, collecting some blood into a small jar he had in his robe pocket, sealing it with a wandless spell. "oh don't get me wrong i adore snakes  but not when they're 100 ft tall and ready to eat me. i prefer the common room hissingtons over that thing " malfoy explained. "they have a name?" he grabbed a tooth from the dead snake for old times sake, the venom spilling all over the ground as it gushed out. "of course they do, they're the most important members of the house, better than salazar himself"

harry rolled his eyes at the boys dramatics, "of course they are", he shook his head handing him the vial of blood "keep it with you i dont have space in my pockets"  he watched in amusement as malfoy shoved it in his robes and wiped his hand on his shirt. "how is your robe full anyway, the pockets are fucking massive and our stuff are still in the real robes" malfoy shuddered, following harry as they left. 

"they're not, they're literally empty i just wanted to mess with you" harry laughed at malfoy's offended look, "i swear to merlin if this shit stains my physical robe i will strangle you with a sock. they're designer" he warned, summoning a sock from thin air. harry raised his arms up in mock defense.

he sealed the door, keeping the tooth close as they tried to find an abandoned potions room. "how do we make the potion anyways?" he was grateful that malfoy ripped the page out of the book before they left, reading through instructions. "well we need some pearl powder and ashwinder eggs for the base, then we add the blood with some aconite and let it sit for 6 days under a warming spell."  the boys knowledge of potions never ceased to surprise harry, malfoy could beat even hermione in a brewing competition.   harry read the list as they dodged the students in the hall. malfoy stopped, looking through the crowd of students. he watched a pair of slytherins that harry only distinctly recognized, they looked worried and he had to guess they were his friends. 

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