Chapter 26

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Busses are stupid.
Ever since I was 10 I've had to take one to and from school. Sometimes my dad would surprise me and pick me up but a good 82% of the time I rode the bus and have hated most of it.
The people are loud, the seats stink, the vehicle itself sways weirdly, I hate buses. School buses suck the most because unlike city buses, these yellow pieces of crap can be... Yellow pieces of crap and nobody will bat an eye. I wonder if there's anyone I can write a letter to. While I'm at it I wonder if there's anyone I can talk to about the dead guy who won't stop poking me as I'm trying to look out the window.

"What Beetlejuice? What do you want?"
"Are we home yet? I'm tireeeddd" he whined
"Dude. The drive is 2 miles and you could literally snap us home if you wanted. Be patient"
He groaned "UGH this school shit is hard" Beetlejuice layed down in my lap "I could sleep for 200 years right now" he closed his eyes.
"BJ wake up. We're here." I smacked the side of his head. I told him the drive wouldn't be too long.

"C'mon. School wasn't THAT bad, babes" Beetlejuice shrugged as I threw my bag on the floor in my room.
"Yeah, you got to pull pranks all day but I lost my closest friend at that school in the matter of minutes" I sighed

"Y/N, Sean was a massive asshole. I don't know how you missed that"

"Because it's a new place, I guess I just latched on to whoever gave me the time of day... That might be why I'm dating a ghost" I teased

"Hey! I'm the most saught after bachelor in the Netherworld since Valentino came over! I just gotta finish my 125 years in this dumb and then I can take my crown back"

"Wait... Why 125 years?" I asked

"Oh, when someone dies they have to stay in their residence for 125 years before they get set free in the Netherworld. I already served my time but then I got banished or some shit so now I'm stuck here. Even the wet blankets upstairs get out before me" he explained

"And the only way to turn you human and set you free is to get you hitched?" I asked


Honestly, BJ is ass at explaining anything but I think I understand the rules. Between him and asking the Maitlands, it's starting to make sense. The dead are weird.

I remember a few years ago a teacher of mine said something about 'reflecting'. I've been doing some of that lately and I'm not too upset with where I stand. I have a hot boyfriend, a cool buddy named Fabio, 2 more ghosts in the attic, and... Yeah when I actually think of it my life is kinda sad.

"Babe. Babe!"
"Huh?" I snapped out of it
"Aren't you supposed to be doing something?" BJ asked
"What? I dunno. Why?"
"If I remember correctly, your teacher mentioned a book report due next week."

"Oh. That. Yeah that's next weeks problem" I shrugged

"Have you even read the book?"

"It's not a book, BJ. It's Shakespeare"

"That's significantly worse!"

I rolled my eyes. He's not wrong

"Yknow, I was around when people talked like Shakespeare." he bragged

"Okay there's no way you're telling the truth"

"I am! I even lived through the black plague!" he insisted

"Then there's no way you're only 650 years old."

"Okay truth be told, I have no idea. All I know is that 50 years ago Lydia said I looked to be about 600 and I go with that. How long ago even was the black plague?" Beetlejuice asked

"I think it was around 1350? I'm not too sure"

"Oh shit. What year is it now?"


"Well my math is pretty off then. Huh. Well let's get back to this shitty essay, why don't we?"

"Since when do you care about my studies?" I asked

"Since I had the realization that the quicker you get your work done, the quicker we can hang out"

I sighed. He's right. I do want to hang out with this guy

You Could Use a Buddy {Beetlejuice x Reader}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें