Chapter 23

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"I can't believe I have to face Matt tomorrow" I vented while laying on my bed. I know I have to go to bed soon, even if I did spend my day off doing nothing but watching Netflix and eating chips. I need a good nights sleep so I can kick ass tomorrow.

"It's really not a big deal, babe. I'll be there with you, if he pulls something I'll snap his neck. What are they gonna do? Put me in jail? I'm dead!" BJ laughed

"Still.. I'm really anxious about it"

He thought for a second ".. Why? I am literally a demon who can pummel this kid. I can turn this pervert into a literal rug. Then when he gets dirty, we take him out back and beat him"

I giggled "Sounds great BJ"
I got under my blanket. I wasn't tired at all but I at least have to try.

"Want me to tell you a story?" he asked.
I nodded in response. Fuck it. This has to be good.

"Okay so, when I first met Adam and Babs, for some fucking reason the only way I could talk to them was in this model Adam built. Weirdest fucking thing, I tell you. It was a shitty model too. Weird fake grass, flimsy trees, and my gravestone was SO small. Anyway, so Babs summoned me and then didn't want my services! Hell, I even offered them Italian at my place! Oh, I also kissed Barbara but that's besides the point. Anyway, so they summoned me and then didn't want ol' BMan's help. After they totally bombed using a parlor trick I turned in to this badass snake and scared the SHIT out of the entire Deetz family! It was great." he cackled

"Oh yeah? Can you turn into a snake now?"

"You bet your ass I can!" he snapped his fingers and turned into a dark green snake but with his head instead of the snake's and he cackled. "AHAHAHA! Scary enough for ya?!"

I interrupted his laughing by reaching out and petting him. I love snakes! My mom never let me get one so this is awesome!"

"Uhh... Babe? Am I not scary to you?" he asked

"Nope! I love snakes!" I grinned

"Oh." he snapped back into his normal form "nevermind then" he put his hand behind his neck.

"Did you try to scare me, Beetle man?" I asked, pretending to be offended

"I mean, kinda. Guess it didn't work" he looked away, defeated

I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek, making him glow slightly. "You'll have to try more than that, BMan" I teased

We both layed down together and went through our plan a few more times before falling asleep. Tomorrow is going to be a lot.

I know this chapter didn't have a lot of substance to it but the next one is going to be HUGE so hold on, folks! I won't disappoint you 😉

Also, thank you SO much for all the love on this story. I started writing this book as a passion thing and didn't plan on publishing it. I love you guys so much 😭😭😭

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