Chapter 4

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    I walked through the door, smelling what could be cologne. Was that always there? I shrugged and began unpacking my groceries and putting them away. I walked up the stairs to my room and opened my door to see none other than Beetlejuice in my bed taking a nap.
"Goddammit BJ" I sighed.  His emerald green eyes shot open.
"I heard that! And no, I technically don't need sleep but I couldn't help myself. Your bed is so comfy and full of that Y/N smell" he sniffed my blanket.
"Can you please get out? I want to relax in bed today and watch TV." I pleaded
"Well why can't we watch it together?  I don't think i can get out, hon. Sorry" he smirked.
"I'm not laying with you, BJ." I said sternly. "C'mon babe, make my millennium." he pleaded. I sighed and pushed him out of the way as I kicked off my shoes and got in bed. Honestly I didn't mind sharing a bed with him. He had a warmth to him that made me feel at home.

I was laying on my side flicking through channels on tv when I felt an arm go over me and hold me tight. He nuzzled his head on my shoulder and whispered to me "You're so warm Y/N" this sent a shiver down my spine and I began to blush. I threw the remote as some bullshit sitcom was on and turned so my face was in his chest. He smelt so good, that scent earlier was him. Yes, it was a mix of dirt and cheap cologne but it was so comforting to me. I haven't felt this vulnerable yet cared for since the last time I saw my dad. I began to softly cry just thinking about him.

"What's wrong, babes?" he said, sounding genuinely concerned.
"N-nothing. Just please, don't let go" he obeyed and held me tighter as I cried, running his fingers through my hair. He didn't say any perverted comment to ruin the moment, he just layed there and supported me.
"Hey sweetie, I love ya and all but you're getting the suit all wet. I've had this thing for centuries, yknow?" he chuckled and I giggled in response. "Heh, sorry BJ"

I turned my head up to look at him, my e/c (eye color) eyes staring into his emerald green ones. He didn't lean in to kiss me, he just gazed at me and gave me a smile, a genuine one. Not the perverted smirk he normally pulls, this was real.
"You're beautiful, Y/N" the beetle man said while caressing my cheek as tears still rolled down. "Yknow, I'm not used to this kind of stuff" he remarked "nobody really wants to touch a dead guy" he shrugged "I can't remember the last time I got a hug"

"I know how you feel." I said "my dad died when I was 14, car crash. He promised we'd hang out when he got home since he'd been working a lot recently and he gave me a hug goodbye. I never saw him after that and I think my mom blames me. I don't think I've gotten a genuine hug since" I said while more tears rushed down my face.

"Why would she blame you? That's ridiculous!" he remarked, sounding outraged. I looked down.
"I was in private school at the time, tuition was a lot so my dad had to work extra, putting a strain on their marriage" I was beginning to sob into his coat at this point.
"Oh baby, that's not your fault." he said to me. When he wasn't screaming or making sexual jokes, Beetlejuice really was comforting, every part of him.
I looked back up at him and our foreheads touched. "I'm here for you, Y/N, no matter what" Beetlejuice whispered while our foreheads touched. "Always"
Our lips inched closer and closer together and just as they were about to touch for the first time, I heard the garage door open.

You Could Use a Buddy {Beetlejuice x Reader}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ