Chapter 24

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A/N: YO WHAT THE HELL! #1??? YOU GUYS ARE FUCKING AWESOME! I JUST- I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS SHIT I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH!! also like... Almost 500 reads? That's so whacky to me. Y'all know how to make a transmasc giddy. Anywho. Back to the story. A/Ns aren't going to be a frequent thing.

"I'm not ready, BJ"
"Yes you are, babe. Get your ass to that bus stop"
I nodded. I barely got any sleep and I'm holding on to a cup of coffee I made like someone is going to try and steal it from me. I took one last sip and grabbed my stuff.

"You ready, BJ?" I asked him
"Born ready babe!"
Beetlejuice has an entirely different outlook on this whole thing. He's excited to come to school and prank people. Despite my pleads for him to stay home, he insists on coming with me in a more 'human' disguise.

BJ snapped his fingers and appeared in a Green Day shirt, black skinny jeans, and a pants chain. In addition to that, his skin was more alive looking and his hair was turned into its more typical brown.

I couldn't help but laugh at his goth-esc outfit.
"What the hell are you wearing?"
"What?! It's what kids at the mall wear! I wanted to fit in"
I rolled my eyes "Whatever Beetle- wait..." I looked at him closer. "Are you wearing eyeliner?!"
His eyes widened "WHAT? N-no! I'm not!"
I sighed and laughed at him. "C'mon goth kid, let's go."
The sad part is that his outfit looks very similar to mine so it's kind of a self-burn.

I got on the bus and waited for Sean. BJ sat on the isle across from me and he kept trying to talk to people. He doesn't get out much.

Finally, after what seemed like forever of fidgeting with my hoodie strings, Sean sat next to me.
" 'Sup Y/N?"
I looked at him
"How was your date with Matt?" he asked
"D-did he not tell you?" shit. I'm studdering. I need to be strong if I want to be taken seriously.
"Tell me what?" Sean asked "We haven't spoken all weekend"

"He... Uhh... Okay so Sean. I know he's your best friend or whatever but I need to tell you something."
He looked at me concerned "What's up, Y/N?"
I told him everything. From the comments, to the touching, to the picture, to how he's done this with others. I told Sean everything I had to say whilst barely making eye contact. I could see BJ looking at us from across the isle. At least someone was rooting for me.

Once I was finished, the bus arrived at school. As we walked off together, BJ in tow, Sean finally opened his mouth with a worried expression and awkward smile.
"Well, Y/N.. You have to understand, he doesn't see many people or go on many dates. I know he's a weird dude but that's a part of who he is, you know?" that fucker

"... But.. Sean... Sexual assault is a fucking crime"
"Well yeah but I've known him for a really long time and that doesn't have anything to do with what I know about him."
"You're kidding"
"I'm serious. He's my best friend and I don't think this knowledge changes much" and with that, Sean shut his bigotted mouth as Matt came into view in our regular spot. I stopped walking. Fuck that guy.

"I can't believe that asshole!" I sobbed.
Both Fabio and Beetlejuice were comforting me as I sat in a shaded area next to a planter on campus.
Nobody could've seen it go this way. Nobody. What do we even do in this situation? I thought it was common knowledge that if your friend is an asshole and is going around with their dick in their hand, then you unfriend that fucker and show some consequences. Apparently not.

"Are we... Are we on our own now?" I sniffed, asking Fabio.
"I don't see it like that. I see it as 'those bitches are awful people, and WE got free. Fuck! It's like the second month of school! We have time to make a new group of people who respect consent." he linked his arm through mine "just you and me, Y/N."
BJ was squatting down next to us. "I say we kill 'em."
Fabio and I looked at each other before shrugging "eh. That could work" I added
We laughed together. "Class starts soon" I sniffed "I should pull myself together" Beetlejuice handed me a tissue and I blew my nose. This day is going to be long.

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