Chapter 12

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A/N, this chapter is going to be a bit short because the next one is going to be packed with drama and would be a lot to handle if this was a part of it

It's been a week since I kissed BJ and neither of us have brought it up. I'm still going to the stupid dance with Matt and it sucks ass. I tried to call everything off with him but he always changes the topic or makes me feel worse for wanting to leave.

One night, Y/N. It's one night. Not even! It's 3 hours! Then I can go back home and spent the whole weekend with Beetlejuice.

I decided to say fuck it and wear one of Barbara's old dresses, it was a little too 20th century for my taste but honestly I couldn't give a damn. She offered me heels to match but I wouldn't be caught dead in those. I already have a shitty date to this thing, why would i want to be MORE uncomfortable? Fuck that.

Beetlejuice has been really standoffish lately, which I get. I just want tonight to be over so I can go back to normal with him, as normal as talking to a 650 year old dead guy is. He's left me alone in bed the past few days and I really miss him. Just as I was brushing my skirt down, I heard a knock at the door.
"Come in" I said, and Beetlejuice cautiously opened the door

"Hey Y/N...yknow you don't have to do this whole 'school dance' thing. I could totally make a sign asking you out in front of your friends, awkwardly slow dance with ya, and buy one of those cheap wrist flower things. You don't need to go with this mortal!"

"I know, BJ. I'm going to do my friend a solid, we can dance together when i get back... And no I don't want a corsage." I smiled

"Whoever this 'Matt' guy is, he better treat you right... And if he doesn't you can always-"

"Say your name 3 times" I finished "I'm going to be alright BJ"

"I could always put on a disguise and come with you!" BJ suggested "it's been so long since I've been to a school dance!"

"No BJ, stay here. It'll be alright. I'll bring you home some spiked punch if you want"

"People still do that?"

"Well no, they just usually sneak in liquor in their purses or something, I dunno"

Just as Beetlejuice was about to answer, the doorbell rang.
"That's your date" he sighed

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