Chapter 14

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CONTENT WARNING: Suicide attempt

"You sure you don't want me to walk you in and make sure you're alright?" Fabio asked

"Yeah, I'm sure. I honestly just want to sleep and pretend this never happened" I replied. "Should we tell Sean?"

"Probably. I mean, he should know that his best buddy is a massive perv. You don't have to tell him your story but I'm more than ready to tell mine" he assured

"No, I'll tell him mine too. We need to out that pervert" I said and Fabio nodded

"I'm with you, Y/N! Byeeeee!" Fabio yelled as he drove away.

I've been standing at my door for about 3 minutes now. I have a key, that's not the issue. I don't think I can face Beetlejuice. But, I can't stand out here forever. It's getting dark and I'm getting hungry. I slowly unlocked my door and walked in, carefully up the stairs, and to my room. I walked to my bed and face planted the covers, letting out a wail that turned into a sob. I didn't hold back, letting all the tears possible leave my body until I couldn't cry anymore.

"The fuck is going on in he- Babes?!" Beetlejuice poked his head through the door before coming over to me. "The fuck did that mortal do to you?!" he asked, frantically

"H-he-he-he... WAAAAAHHHHH" I couldn't get a full sentence in without it becoming gibberish. Beetlejuice sat on my bed and held me in his arms as I, once again, ugly cried. This time, however, it was significantly more hideous. Beetlejuice just sat there, running his fingers through my hair and wiping away the tears he could.

Once I got a hold on myself, I told BJ everything. How Sean pressured me into going with Matt, how he demanded a blowjob, how he grabbed my ass, and how he did the same to Fabio. Beetlejuice was listening to every part, becoming more and more enraged by the second.

"Why the hell didn't you call me?" he asked

"I- I figured you didn't want to see me... After all I've done" I sniffed

"Babes, you haven't 'done' anything. Anything except making me fall for a living person, that is." he chuckled

"I just... I don't want to be with Matt. I can never face him again. I don't WANT to face him again, BJ!"

My life is falling apart right before my very eyes. I can't take this shit anymore. "Hey BJ?" he looked at me "can you go downstairs and get me some water?" I sniffed. He nodded and disappeared. This was my chance.

I slowly opened my window and climbed out onto the roof. Despite being September, a slight chilly breeze was in the air. The sky is cloudy, I can't see any stars. My feet trembled as I looked down. I began to tear up. Nobody would miss me, I've only just moved here. Matt will get away with being scum and Sean will never know his friend is a dirt bag. This is for the best. Who knows? Maybe I'll haunt this house with Beetlejuice.

"... Beetlejuice" I whispered, I had to say it one last time. I may never see him after this.
I held my breath, and took a step off the roof, but I didn't fall.

My arm was yanked back like Fabio did, I turned around to see Beetlejuice.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" he asked sternly. I continued to cry.
"What is with you teenagers wanting to jump off this damn roof?" BJ asked himself as he scooped me up bridal style and brought me inside.

"What the hell were you doing, babe?"
"I... I don't know... I just don't think i can do this anymore, BJ"
"Yknow, I haven't done this in years but... We could kill Matt.. If you want..."
"K-kill Matt? Seriously?"
"Hell yeah! Just say my name 3 times and I'll do the doing"
"No... I'm alright BJ. He's scum but I'm not gonna kill him"
"Don't you wanna see Matt suffer?"
"I think I'd rather just jump off-"
"No!" he interrupted, sternly
"I might be suicidal, but Beetlejuice it's not as if I've lost my mind!" I insisted. "I just wanted to get this night over with so I could come home and see you. I don't want you looking at me like a stranger! You matter to me more than anyone I've ever met, Beetlejuice. I don't want to lose you"

Beetlejuice sat on my bed shell shocked "I don't want to leave you either, babe. But... I'm dead. Mortals need other mortals"

"I don't want another mortal! I want you!" I yelled, frustrated. Beetlejuice blushed and I could see the gears turning in his head. He didn't believe what I said and I can't believe I said it.

"I... I want you too, Y/N" he said "I told myself this wasn't anything serious, just me thinking with my dick but... When I was talking to Adam about the whole 'romance' thing, something clicked. My undead heart skips a beat when I see you, which is fine because I'm already dead. Skipping beats is harmless. I know I'm unappealing and old and not a mortal but I want to see where we can go with this" he explained, avoiding eye contact.

"BJ, I never once said that we couldn't work out. You're arguing against yourself here" I scooted closer to him "Now shut up and kiss me, Beetlejuice"

He looked up at me with a familiar bewildered stare. "... What"

I sighed "I said kiss me"

".. Seriously?" he asked

"Goddammit, yes BJ"

"Are you su-" I interrupted him by pulling his tie, forcing our lips to lock. This wasn't our first kiss but it was definitely the best so far... Compared to the only other time it happened.

I don't know why I'm so outgoing right now, I don't think I'm in the right mindset at the moment. I mean, I went from planning to kill myself to kissing a demon. Honestly, no regrets. I love kissing this creepy old guy.

We both parted ways, both equally as red in the face but BJ was the only one literally glowing. I let go of his tie, reality setting in of what I had done.
"I-I'm sorry Beetlejuice" I said
He smirked at me, "oh don't be babe"

Beetlejuice then pinned me to my bed and began passionatly kissing me. I've never made out with anyone before but this is pure bliss. He tasted like salt water taffy in the best way possible. I never want this feeling to end... But sadly it was short lived.

His lips got off mine and he remarked "you look so nice from up here" which only made me blush more. His gruff stature above me, it left me wanting more, so much more. The smell of dirt and a cologne that's significantly better than axe, his glowing green eyes, his stubble that tickles me when we kiss, everything. But not tonight, tonight was rough.

"Hey BJ?" I asked
"Can you help me unzip this dress? It barely fits and I gotta give it back to Barbara"
His pupils dialated "NOT LIKE THAT!" I clarified "I'm just genuinely stuck and this dress is itchy as hell"
Beetlejuice got off me and shrugged "One day babe, one day I'll get you out of your clothes just for me"
I rolled my eyes and giggled. "Maybe"

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